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iridology case

iridology case

  • Side effects-iridology

    There are generally no adverse side effects with this treatment

  • A typical Iridology treatment

    Weakness in body tissues or organs often show up in the eye before they show up in medical tests. An iridologist will map out a person’s eye and compare this chart to the iris charts developed by the founders in the 19th century. A complete iris analysis will show whether a person exhibits a generally good constitution or a poor …

  • Iridology what is it?

    Iridology what is it? In 1950, a chiropractor from America named Bernard Jensen began teaching students about the necessity of using natural foods to detoxify the body. He developed a method by which the color of the iris was used to indicate the presence of different toxins. American iridology was born. However, iridology, or the study of disease using the …

  • What is Iridology?

    What is Iridology? Iridology is the science and practice that reveals inflammation, where located and in what stage it is manifesting. The iris reveals body constitution, inherent weaknesses, levels of health and the transitions that take place in a person’s body according to the way he lives. Iridology is the science of analyzing the delicate structures of the iris of …

  • How commonplace is the use and study of Iridology?

    According to literature records, Iridology has been studied for at least 300 years, but was not structured in a systematic and detailed way until about 150 years ago. During the past century, the methodology has been used primarily by chiropractors, nutritionists, and herbalists. There are an estimated 10,000 practitioners of Iridology in the U.S. Although Iridology is given considerable scientific …

  • What are some differences between the ‘American’ and ‘European’ schools of thought?

    What are some differences between the ‘American’ and ‘European’ schools of thought? The labels ‘American’ and ‘European’ are highly misleading actually, but to use them in the vague and undifferentiated way which they customarily are, one could say that the beliefs propagated by Jensen represent a mixture of turn-of-the-century (and somewhat judgmental) notions of pigmentation and iris color published by Felke, Liljequist, Thiel, Lane, Kritzer, and other Germans, along with (more …