MAIKONG-Professional iridology camera iriscope Manufacturer and supplier



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  • iridology case-Autonomic nervous protruding
  • iridology case-Aging of Arc
  • Acidic constitution Immunocompromised
  • Features of a professional portable iriscope

    It is know that eyes from the embryonic stage have a great amount of nerve terminals that are connected to the brain and to all the body, therefore iris is capable of reflecting issues related with the state and performance of many organs. All these signs can be detected with the help of appropriated equipment such as the iriscope. The …

  • Phases of pathologies reflected on iris

    With the constant improvements on technology, every day new tools which are helpful for the field of medicine are released, and Iridology is also being favored by these improvements. One of the most helpful tools for the iridologist these days would be the Iriscope. The Iriscope is a tool employed to analyze with more detail the characteristics of iris, Doctor …

  • Phases of pathologies reflected on iris

    The manifestation of every disease follows a process which involves a predisposition to certain diseases on the patient, a latency period and a period of symptomatic manifestations which can be of acute or chronic nature. Iridology can help to detect such stages which can be catalogued as: Inherited or congenital predisposition. Acute inflammation. Sub-acute state Chronic state. Destructive state. Inherited …