Maikong Profissional Iridology Camera Iriscope Fabricante e fornecedor


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  • How to reading the iridology by color?

    How to reading the iridology by color? iridology color chart One of the most interesting things about iridology is that even your eye color says something about you. This is called constitutional typing. Understanding your constitutional type can give you an understanding of the inborn health weaknesses someone may struggle with through their life. There are three basic

  • 10 iridology map of the eye

    10 iridology map of the eye

  • 10 PCS About iridology chart free I Wish I Did Better

    10 PCS About iridology chart free I Wish I Did Better What is Iridology? Iridology’s beginning started in the early 1800s when a young boy named Ignatz von Peczely of Egernar, near Budapest, Hungary, caught an owl one day. The eleven year old boy struggled with the frightened bird and met with the fierce claws as the bird instinctively tried

  • What Is iridology left eye  and How Does iridology left eye?

    What Is iridology left eye and How Does iridology left eye iridology left eye–Gráfico de iridologia para a íris do olho esquerdo define os muitos detalhes da zona de iridologia traçados para mostrar como a iridologia se relaciona com os tecidos & organs of the human body The Iridology Chart below documents the left eye Iris zones related to tissues and organs in the body

  • is iridology legitimate?

    What is iridology? Iridology is a naturopathic diagnosis method which speculates the theory that the iris contains nerve fibres connecting through cranial nerves to different parts of the body. The following article with Ophthalmologist, Dr Peter Martin from Harley Place Day Surgery in Bondi Junction, discusses the speculation, the history, and the facts about whether or not Iridology is a

  • iridology iris diagnosis

    What is iridology iris diagnosis? The iris is like a map of the bodychanges in certain organs are reflected in specific parts of the iris. The right iris shows the condition of the right side of the body, while the left iris reflects the left side. The exact relationship between iris and body parts can be seen from