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The Study of the Eyes: What is Iridology?-Iridology also commonly referred to as Iridology analysis, also mistakenly referred to as, Iris diagnosis, or Iridology diagnosis, is the study of the iris of the human eye.
Uma descrição mais formal, conforme declarado pelo iridologista americano de renome mundial, Ellen Tart-Jensen é: “Iridologia é o estudo da cor, pigmentação e estrutura da íris ou porção colorida do olho, relacionando-se geneticamente através da resposta reflexa às forças e deficiências do corpo.
Além disso, muitos iridologistas observam a fronteira do aluno, bem como as marcações vasculares na esclera para ajudá -los a entender melhor a saúde geral da pessoa.
Cada íris é completamente única. Ele fornece o plano genético para o corpo de uma pessoa. As pessoas geralmente podem adquirir fraquezas físicas herdadas que podem ter afetado os membros anteriores da família. Estes podem ser detectados através da iridologia. Através da análise da íris, o iridologista pode determinar o estado geral de saúde de uma pessoa. A iridologia pode revelar muitas coisas, talvez o mais importante, a possibilidade de inflamação e irritação nas várias partes corporais. Nesse sentido, a iridologia é uma ferramenta analítica útil.
O iridologista mais moderno usa uma câmera de iridologia para tirar fotografias de seus clientes, íris esquerda e direita. Uma vez que eles obtiveram imagens de qualidade de alta resolução da íris, eles usam um mapa de iridologia ou gráfico de iridologia para iniciar sua análise de iridologia. O iridologista também pode usar o software de iridologia para ajudar na análise de iridologia.
A iridologia complementa todas as ciências da saúde, pois fornece informações, não apenas sobre o que pode estar doente, mas também sobre a causa raiz do distúrbio.
A iridologia é uma ferramenta analítica segura e não invasiva, que pode ser integrada à medicina ortodoxa e complementar.
A iridologia ajuda as pessoas a aprender sobre seus pontos fortes e fracos genéticos e a se tornarem mais conscientes do que podem fazer para se ajudar.
Iridologista, acredite que a iridologia é uma das melhores ferramentas de avaliação disponíveis para descobrir quais áreas do corpo são geneticamente fortes e quais são deficientes. A iridologia pode analisar a saúde geral de acordo com cores e marcações específicas da íris.
Leitura de Iridology Ocha
read iridology chart
gráfico de iridologia como ler
como ler o gráfico de iridologia
What is Iridology and how does it work?-Explain the science of it. How is the eye literally the window to the soul?-Iridology is the science of the iris, or colored portion, of the eye. The iris contains bundles of thousands of nerve fibers and is a reflection of the entire body.
The iris is connected to every organ and tissue of the body by way of the brain and central nervous system through the optic nerve. The optic nerve connects to the central nervous system (CNS) which is the main communication link to everything that goes on in the body.
Think of your brain as your body’s ‘hard drive;’ it remembers everything that ever happened to your body. Your iris is then like the ‘file folder.’ So ‘reading’ the iris to find out what is going on in the body is similar to how one reads a computer screen to access what’s in a computer.
What is Benefits of iridology?-Although the practice of iridology is more common in Germany and the UK, it is gaining interest in North America as more individuals look for alternative health therapies to complement Western medicine. The iridologist’s goal is determine which systems in the patient’s body are weak and require appropriate treatment before a condition develops into something more serious.
According to Clark, in the hands of an experienced iridologist, clients can find out what predispositions they have to certain health issues and can then go about doing the right things, such as changing lifestyle factors, to stay as healthy as possible. For instance, blue-eyed people tend to have sinus issues, arthritis and skin problems. Following a healthy lifestyle goes a long way in keeping the body functioning optimally and maintaining a state of balance that allows the body to heal itself.
3 Main “tipos constitucionais” of iridology color:
A Constituição de olhos azuis (“Tipo linfático”), cujo “tendências inerentes” incluir: “Re-activity of the lymphatic system (adenoid and tonsil irritations; splenitis; swollen lymph nodes; irritated appendix; catarrh with exudations; eczema; acne; flakey, dry skin; dandruff; asthma; coughs; bronchitis; sinusitis; diarrhoea; arthritis; vaginal descarga;”
O “Constituição pura de olhos marrons (“Tipo hematogênico”), cujo “tendências inerentes” incluir: “Anemia; falta de catalisadores (ferro, ouro, arsênico, cobre, zinco, iodo); doenças sanguíneas (hepatite, icterícia); espasmos musculares; artrite; doença degenerativa crônica; Distúrbios endócrinos (tireóide, supra -renais & hipófise); distúrbios espleênicos; más drenagem linfática; glândulas inchadas; Doença de Hodgkin; flatulência; constipação; tumor colônico; dispepsia; distúrbios digestivos com produção enzimática reduzida; intolerância frequente ao leite de corda; úlceras; fígado, vesícula biliar & mau funcionamento pancreático; Diabetes; distúrbios circulatórios; Intoxicação automática.”
A combinação dos dois “tipo misto ou biliar”), cujo “tendências inerentes” incluir: “Flatulância; constipação; colite; hipoglicemia; Diabetes; doenças sanguíneas; pedras biliares; fígado, vesícula biliar, ducto biliar & distúrbios pancreáticos; Fraqueza gastrointestinal com espasmo; Hematogênico & Forças constitucionais linfáticas & fraquezas.”
Is Iridology Support For Color Changes?
Looking back it is amazing to me that I thought iridology had any chance scientifically. Once I took a look at the basic anatomy of the eye and nervous system I knew it was impossible to make a change structurally, but what about color? Perhaps the iris did not change itself structurally, but perhaps color changes would be possible to support scientifically. I knew, as stated above, that without special equipment it would be difficult to prove or disprove meaningful color changes in the iris. The question was if anyone had done such observation and if it was found to mean anything.In order to understand any observations on iris color change one must understand the process of developing color in the iris of the eye. The base color of the iris is made up of very dark pigmented cells that are at the underside of the iris which reflect back visual blue light, thus giving the appearance of a blue eye. In albinos, the lack of pigment allows light to reflect off the blood vessels giving a pink reflection. It is the level of pigment in the upper (exterior) levels of the iris that give variation on eye colors from blue-green to dark brown. Just as genes are influential on the level of pigmentation of the skin, so genes have influence on eye color, and the structure of the iris.I was taught as a young iridology student that various colors in the iris were deposits of chemicals.
For example, a rust spot in the iris was a small spot of an injected chemical from a vaccine, or a brilliant yellow spot was the result of a sulfur deposit in the eye from the ingestion of a sulpha drug. The fact is that these spots are collections of melanin; similar to the substance that causes freckles in the skin. Eminent iridologists have written in their works that these spots were found to contain metals and other substances in autopsies. Unless metals or other substances were injected directly in the iris this cannot be true.Based on the fact that iridology does not reflect true anatomy, physiology, or histology of the iris, and based on the fact that iris colors are not determined by nerve input, it became ludicrous for me to believe that iris color is any indication of health in remote organs. Some iridologists suggest that eye color and fiber structure are unchanging and are useful to indicate certain predisposition to mental and physical disorders. These iridologists once again use generalities and other useless methods to describe the usefulness of their method. They unfortunately fail in their attempts at using logic and science correctly.