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iridology certification(IIPA,Natural Health Course,Integrated Iridology)

September 26, 2017

Where iridology certification?

NO.1 IIPA Certification

Level I and Level II IIPA
Certification Course:

Call for Next Scheduled Course

Portland, Oregon

Instructor: Cheryl Matschek, Ph.D., M.S., M.H., C.C.I.I.

IRIDOLOGY IIPA-CCI Certification-1

Dr. Cheryl Matschek is a certified Iridologist through the International Iridology Practitioners Association (IIPA) and the International Institute of Iridology, and she is a certified diplomate Instructor through IIPA (CCII). Cheryl is a Past President of IIPA and served on the Board for ten years. Cheryl has a PhD in Natural Health Sciences, Clinical Nutrition and Iridology.

Cheryl maintains a Natural Health Practice in North Plains, Oregon (outside Portland) serving clients in many states across the U.S. She has been speaking professionally since 1979, is the author of several books and other published materials in various forms. Besides her work in the natural health field, she is internationally known for her speaking and training in Leadership and Professional Practice Development. She works with clients around the world and those close to home.

Her greatest desire is to help those who want to help themselves, and others, become healthier, happier, and more peaceful and joyful in their journey through life. Cheryl has a profound ability to create a dynamic and enthusiastic learning experience in the classroom, and a safe and comfortable atmosphere for her clients. She has a passion for helping and encouraging others to be fully alive.

What is Iridology and How is it Used?

Iridology is a very valuable, non-invasive, assessment tool used to identify potential structural and functional imbalances within the body. By analyzing the iris of the eye for structure and color, inherited potential for and developed health conditions within the body are revealed. Iridology is not a new science. It has been traced back approximately 3,000 years and is currently used by many doctors in European countries as a regular part of diagnosis. It is part of a larger family of the numerous branches of natural healing. It is becoming more and more widely recognized in the United States as a helpful assessment tool.

Areas of the body that lack vitality to resist illness can be determined through iris analysis, and then supported by good nutrition or other natural methods. And, because Iridology shows genetic predispositions, preventive care can be introduced.

Iridology Certification Course: A Powerful Seminar

The Certification Course is approved by the International Iridology Practitioners Association and prepares attendees for the certification exam.

A seminar workbook, as well as a certificate of attendance, will be provided at the seminar.

Key benefits of the course:

  • Teaches how to do an iris analysis
  • Allows you to assimilate Iridology into your current health practice
  • Can help you establish a business in the complementary health field
  • Able to monitor your own family’s health levels

The certification course is presented in a manner that is beneficial to all who want to study Iridology and learn how to use it as a tool to help towards improving health. Cheryl’s background of professional speaking allows her to present the material in a dynamic way. Each part of the course builds upon the last and is organized systematically for greater understanding, assimilation and comprehension. You will learn:

  • The history of Iridology
  • Universal language and terminology of Iridology
  • Anatomy of the eye
  • Accurate methods of assessment and practice
  • Nutritional, herbal and other natural protocols to strengthen body systems and improve health

In the second part of the seminar you will gain a deeper understanding into the study of iris analysis. You will see many iris slides throughout the course and learn to differentiate health conditions, as well as hear of some interesting case studies of people with whom Cheryl has worked.

Actual Course Study


  • History and development of Iridology
  • Anatomy of the Eye
  • Iris Zones, Maps and Signs
  • Iris Constitutional Types and Subtypes
  • Nutritional programs for each type
  • Understanding meaning of pigment colors
  • Collarette and Digestive Signs
  • Pupil Tonus, Miosis, Mydriasis and Pupil Border relative to the spine
  • Live practice in interpretation of Iris Markings

  • Combinations of Iris Signs
  • Syndromes
  • Lacunae and Transversal types
  • Case studies
  • In Depth Study of the Collarette
  • In Depth Study of Vitality and Digestion
  • Resistance based on Iris Fibers
  • Structure and Color
  • Sclera and Conjunctiva Signs
  • Practice and more practice!
  • Specific pigment irregularities
  • Pupil – further detail
  • Concentric Furrow types
  • Review for Certification testing

Who Can Benefit from this Seminar?

Iridology can be used as a valuable assessment tool to identify potential structural and functional imbalances within the body by nutritionists, herbalists, naturopaths, homeopaths, acupuncturists, chiropractors, massage therapists, nurses, medical doctors or any trained health care practitioner. Iridology can help these practitioners assess, and then work with, their client or patient according to their particular expertise.

But iridology isn’t just for practitioners. If you are just getting into the health field, or have a desire to do so, or you just want to know more about the art and science of Iridology to use with your own family members, this is a great seminar for you as well.


NO.2 Natural Health Course Certificates

Natural Health Course Certificates


Iridology Course Level I

This course teaches the use and application of iridology utilizing eye charts, analysis skills & the core methodologies of the modern Iridologist in Ontario.

Iridology Course Level 1

Iridologia is taught by a Clinically Certified Iridologist and Natural Health Practitioner who has been in active practice since 1994. The course utilizes accelerated learning techniques to progressively introduce iridology from origins through to use today.

Iridology training introduces the science and non-invasive practice of analyzing the patterns and delicate structures of the iris of each eye as they relate to the relative strengths and weaknesses of body tissues and organs.

Course Time: 22 Hours + Study

Level I of the practitioner series is the iridology course that teaches identification & assessment techniques through the examination of the iris of each eye, and what to do with the findings

  • The iris of the eye is the area where we see colour, the browns or blues of each eye.
  • The iris of the eyes records and reveals past and current body constitution as well as the relative strengths and weaknesses of tissues and organs.
  • Iridology is effective at identifying inflammations, where they are located, and at what stage.
  • Iridology also reveals relative health levels and transitions that take place in a person’s body according to the way they live.
  • Iridology is not intended or expected nor is it to be used for the identification of disease.

The Iridology Training Course is for nutritionists, natural health practitioners, herbalists, alternative health practitioners, RMT’s and anyone interested in developing a sustainable private practice based on client focused strategies and natural healing therapies. It fits well with a wide range of alternative health modalities and includes a formal certificate of accomplishment.

This practitioner course in iridology picks up where the Herbal Practitioner Course left off adding:

  • Each Iris, mapped to the human body
  • Iridology training as a body systems assessment modality
  • In-depth applications of herbs & nutrition as natural medicines
  • Integrating Eastern & Western philosophies into a holistic approach

Students begin to learn what it takes to operate a natural health based consulting practice

O Iridology Practitioner training course was developed by our Natural Health Practitioner based on a body of work, education and thousands of client programs spanning over 20 years.

Students tap into a deep pool of knowledge, experience and wisdom acquired by a trainer who established her private practice back in 1994, and today is proud to service clients dating to that initial year of practice.

This Iridology Course develops practitioner skills

  • It is challenging for many practitioners to align various modalities into a cohesive approach to client programs and care, this course delivers a unified approach
  • Learn a skill-set that will help build a sustainable private practice focused on improving the lives of others and integrates well with existing disciplines like nutrition.
  • Study the unified view of the individual components of holistic health programs and learn essential skills for assessing what is happening in a client’s body, determining the root causes of conditions and recommending an effective course of action.
  • Learn the essentials of running a client focused consulting practice.
  • Presented incrementally, subject and methods are presented in building blocks, with relationships between each element explored, linked and discussed in detail.

Iridology Course Impacts

The course provides a comprehensive education into iridology practice development and packs 20 years of knowledge and client experiences into just 3 days.

Through accelerated learning techniques, an immense body of knowledge is effectively transferred to students. Students are responsible for study outside of course hours.

  • Primary technical skills (90%) and fundamental client essentials (10%) to help students establish a foundation for developing a sustainable private practice.
  • If already in private practice with complementary modalities it expands existing counselling practices with new techniques, services and revenue opportunities supporting long term client retention.
  • Proven methodologies and private practice structures that focus on client needs assessments, client programs and client follow-up procedures integrated into a private consulting practice that delivers value to clients and practice growth.

In summary, the Practical Practitioner Course delves into the approach, assessment, programs, support and care of clients. It focuses on helping students expand and/or develop a unified skillset to build long-term client relationships based on existing and new skills.

The Iridology Course Scope of Study

  • Integrating Eastern & Western Natural Health Principles
  • The holistic pathways of health and disease
  • Origins of the science of Clinical Iridology, its advantages and its limitations
  • Understanding iridology charts, eye markings and their associations to tissues and organs of the body
  • Using iridology to determine the constitutional strengths and structural integrity of the body
  • Applying the body systems method of assessments through Iridology techniques and tactics
  • Interpreting iridology examination findings through the relationships of eye markings to the body systems
  • The role of nutrition and herbs in determining next steps following an iridology assessment
  • Herbal and nutrition guidelines unique to each body system
  • The Iridologist’s approach, strategy and tactics of accurate client evaluations and successful out-comes
  • Level II Certificate of Accelerated Iridology Studies

You will quicklyget itand experience countlessahh haaas in just 3 days so go head, join us and get inspired! This fast paced herbalist training course is intense yet fun, motivating, thought provoking and will be with you long after the training ends!

Q. Who is the Iridology Training Course for?

A. Anyone with a thirst for knowledge, appetite for wellness & love of living!

Students completing the Iridology Course acquire an Iridologist’s essential skills needed to assess and address root-cause conditions across a broad range of daily health needs with confidence.

The Iridology Training Course is for nutritionists, natural health practitioners, herbalists, alternative health practitioners, RMT’s and anyone interested in developing a sustainable private practice based on client focused strategies and natural therapies.

Iridology fits well with a wide range of alternative health modalities and includes a formal certificate of accomplishment. Alternative Health Practitioners will find the course is complementary to their existing modalities and can help their practice & clients achieve better results.

NO 3 Integrated Iridology iridology certificationa



Study Integrated Iridologia® on-line with Toni Miller ND DHM MMII CCII

Australia’s most experienced Iridology education specialist. Voted IIPA Iridologist of the year 2014 and Iridology Instructor of the Year 2014

The College of IRIS – founded in 1995, remains the only one specializing in Iridology education in the southern hemisphere.

Earn a ‘Certificate of Advanced Iridology’ or a ‘Post Graduate Diploma of Integrated Iridology’.

Start with Essentials. This is the foundation on which to add other layers of understanding. Forty foundational teachings with necessary revisions of Classical Iridology. You will be able to use this material on your family and friends on completion. You will know whether or not you want to take this subject to a professional level.

IRIS 1 – Physical Iridology. This is comprised of five subjects: Constitutional Iridology, the Collarette, the Pupil and its Border, Sclera signs and European Concepts.

IRIS 2 – Emotional Aspects of the Physical Signs. Four subjects in this section include “Emotional interpretation of Physical Signs”, “Using the Iris to Determine Personality” and “The Effects of Gender and Sibling Sequence”.

IRIS 3 – Practical Iridology. This unit includes “Differential Diagnosis using Physiography” (interpretation of various body signs) and “Remedy Selection based on Integrated Iridology”.

CERTIFICATION: Certificate of Attendance with CPE points PLUS a Certificate of Attainment on completion of each subject.

Complete Essentials plus IRIS 1 to apply for a “Certificate of Iridology” This level of study will also make you eligible for professional membership to IIPA (International Iridology Practitioners Assoc) – the largest Iridology association in the world.

Students who complete all subjects can apply for a “Certificate of Advanced Iridology” OR

Submit your Academic Transcript and apply for a “Diploma of Integrated Iridology”

Not sure? – “Integrated Iridology – a reliable asset in clinical practice.” This will introduce you to Toni’s teaching style and format. If you like this module, you will love Iridology Essentials – recommended for everyone; especially post graduates. Learn this unit in eight modules with our super learning method – developed over 30 year’s continuous teaching.

Sample certificate

About your teacher: Toni Miller ND DHM Int Irid

Toni began studying Iridology in 1980 and started teaching in 1984. Her teachers include some of the world’s most influential including Bernard Jensen, Dorothy Hall, Robert Lucy, Joseph Angerer, Josef Deck, and many others. In 1995, Toni founded the College of IRIS – the only one specializing in iris education in the southern hemisphere. She produces a range of superior quality charts, flash cards and other resources for students and professionals. Her award winning book “Integrated Iridology Textbook” has become the primary resource for most Australian and New Zealand colleges.

Who can enroll in Integrated Iridology® Classes?

A large variety of students of all ages comes from three main groups:

Post Graduates: Practitioners who want more confidence or who feel like they need a refresher.

Professionals: GPs, nurses, Optometrists, Chiropractors, Pharmacists, Kinesiologists, Reflexologists, Masseurs, Naturopaths, Herbalists, Homeopaths, Bowen therapists and anyone wanting a career change.

General Interest people: Pharmacy and Health food store employees, teachers, home makers or anyone wanting interested in learning more about Iridology.

The College of IRIS – founded in 1995, remains the only one specializing in Iridology education in the southern hemisphere.






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