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What iridology training courses on the market? Which is best?

August 31, 2017



The International Iridology Practitioners Association is the best accrediting body for Iridology in the world. IIPA is an organization for the Iridologist. Through IIPA, a person can learn relevant, up-to-date Iridology based on clinical research from around the globe. IIPA was founded for the purpose of increasing and diffusing knowledge concerning the art and science of Iridology and to provide a forum for the exchange of information and research with the goal of promoting excellence in international Iridology standards. IIPA’s vision is to have Iridology integrated into the healthcare system worldwide.


What is IIPA?

The International Iridology Practitioners Association is a registered, non-profit organization, founded in 1982. It is governed by IIPA members who volunteer and make up the voting Board of Directors. Their role is to disseminate materials and help set the professional standards present today in the field of Iridology. For decades, medical practitioners considered different facets of natural medicine, including Iridology, to be inappropriate approaches to natural health and healing. We at IIPA have the valiant efforts of Dr. Bernard Jensen, as well as other iconic pioneers, to thank for saving Iridology from extinction. This organization was originally called the National Iridology Research Association (NIRA), but the name was changed in 2000 to better reflect our international reach. In 1993, the organization attained its non-profit tax-exempt status.


Why an IIPA Certified Iridologist or why become Certified by IIPA?

IIPA is an organization that has developed official standards of practice designed specifically for the field of Iridology. IIPA Certification Courses incorporate the highest standards in Iridology based on research and clinical studies from around the world. As a Certified Iridologist, you are held to a high ethical moral as it relates to this healing art. Each modality should have a uniformed governing body, and Iridology does. Because we are an international organization, we have the ability to streamline important pieces such as dialogue and vocabulary, and keep them uniform regardless of language differences. Certification from IIPA identifies you as having attained a standardized level of education excellence. This status inevitably sets you apart, as clients would feel confident selecting you, knowing you have undergone some intense training and a high quality education.


How to Become an IIPA Certified Iridologist?

An Understanding of Comprehensive Iridology Standards and ConceptsIt is highly recommended that a Candidate​/​Student​​ for certification completes the Comprehensive® Iridology Classes (Level I and Level II) through an IIPA Certified Instructor or through an IIPA accredited teaching Institution, however it is not required for certification. What is required is that candidates have a thorough understanding of the standards presented in these classes.

Comprehensive® Iridology ClassLEVEL IThis class covers the history and development of Iridology and discussion of models (European Iridology, American Iridology, Comprehensive Iridology, psychological patterns, iris photography, etc.) This also includes eye anatomy and physiology, topography and mapping of the iris, constitutional types and subtypes, iris structure and signs, pigmentation, pupil tonus, etc. It would be helpful to have some anatomy and physiology background before taking this course. Refer to our website for recommended readings and approved programs. Minimum of 14 hours with an IIPA Certified Instructor.

Comprehensive® Iridology ClassLEVEL IIThis class places emphasis on case studies, combinations of signs, structure and pigment details, exceptions to rules, specific constitutions and syndromes, further psychological pattern information and research issues, etc. Minimum of 21 hours with an IIPA Certified Instructor.


What are the Certification Requirements?

Proof of Anatomy and Physiology KnowledgeAn Anatomy and Physiology (A&P) course is required for certification. Certification Examination can take place before the A&P course is completed. The certification candidate/student​ must submit a transcript of a completed course, a copy of a diploma or of an acceptable accredited degree, or a copy of an appropriate professional license before receiving the IIPA Certification Certificate. See acceptable courses on website.

T​he Submission of Ten Iris EvaluationsYou will be provided with Iris Evaluation forms to use to evaluate ten (10) different people and analyze their iris patterns. Your completed evaluations will be submitted to an Instructor for review. Your results will be returned with corrections and comments. Note​,​ that candidates/student​​s who received their Iridology training through an IIPA accredited teaching Institution are not required to perform the ten iris evaluations. Also, if you are taking a class through an IIPA Certified Comprehensive Iridology Instructor, you may, at the discretion of the Instructor, complete these evaluations during class.

Case Study AnalysisFor your Case Study you will receive instructions, a history and eye photos to analyze. Your completed analysis should be returned to your Instructor. Results will be returned to you with corrections and comments. Note that candidates who received their Iridology training through an IIPA accredited teaching Institution are not required to perform a Case Study Analysis.

Written ExaminationThis written Examination must be proctored by a designated IIPA Instructor, librarian, or notary. Obtain Proctor Information form from your Instructor. You are responsible for locating a Proctor. If your test grade is satisfactory, 80% or more, and all other requirements are completed (i.e. Anatomy & Physiology, 10 Iris Evaluations, Case Study, current membership), you will be sent an IIPA Certified Iridologist Certificate. If for some reason you do not pass the Examination, contact your Instructor for retake information.


2)Dr. David


College of Iridology
Learn the ancient practice of assessing current health conditions in the body in your own home.

This comprehensive home study program offers a fully informative and detailed look at the science and practice of Iridology. Beginning at basic levels and moving forward to advanced understandings of this art, the student will gain a wonderful knowledge of revealing levels of health, inflammation and degeneration within the human body.

Through the medium of video, Dr. David Pesek enlightens and entertains as he shares his vast understanding of the analysis of the iris. With over 20 hours of video at your disposal, books and workbooks, you can quickly and effectively learn to use the combination of Iridology, Nutrition and Tissue Cleansing to promote harmonized well-being: physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually.

You must complete each course before starting the next.

Pre-Requisites: The Family Herbalist program and the Anatomy Level from the Master Herbalist program are required for the Iridology program. You can enroll in these courses when you enroll in the Iridology program, or you can take them as part of the Master Herbalist program.

The Iridology home study course has three sections:

1) Basic Iridology

2) Intermediate Iridology

3) Advanced Iridology seminar


3)Learn the Science Behind Iridology Diagnosis and Iridology Careers


Iridology Training, Classes and Certification

Learn the Science Behind Iridology Diagnosis and Iridology Careers

The iris is the colored part of the eye that surrounds the pupil and controls how much light falls on the retina. Practitioners with iridology training also see the iris as a diagnostic tool that can be used to pinpoint areas of health or weakness within the body’s systems. Specific areas of the iris have been mapped to correspond to particular organs, and markings such as rings, spots and discolorations, according to iridologists, may indicate ailments or predispositions to illness.

Scientific research has not conclusively proven whether iridology is an accurate method of diagnosis, and some professionals oppose its use. However, trained iridologists favor the practice as an indicator for potential health problems, especially when used in conjunction with other alternative or traditional medical practices.

Career Overview

Some practitioners with iridology training favor a direct visual approach: inspection of the iris in person during an office visit, using light and magnification, or analysis of slides of the iris. Others use methods of computer analysis such as 3-D maze spectroscopy and dynamic overlays of the iris at different stages of health or illness. Iridology certification may be useful to traditional health care practitioners such as optometrists and ophthalmologists, as well as holistic and naturopathic health professionals.

Training and Education

What You’ll Study in Iridology School

Iridology training generally includes study of anatomy and physiology, health and nutrition, pathology, diagnostic methods, and herbal medicine. You’ll also take specific iridology classes that teach about the history of iridology, the iridology chart, eye anatomy, types of irises, how to analyze the iris, and how to formulate treatment plans.

Average Length of Study

Basic iridology training may be completed through traditionally structured programs or via intensive workshops; usually these result in practitioner-level certification and take about 15 to 25 credit hours over the course of 1 to 2 years. Doctoral degrees in iridology take about 68 credit hours to finish, over and above the time spent on basic training.

Average Tuition

Tuition for iridology certification courses may cost anywhere from $1,250 to $4,500, depending on the level of iridology training you are pursuing. A doctoral degree may cost another $2,500 or more.

Iridology Certification

Because of the disagreement in the scientific community about the effectiveness of iridology, practitioners who want to demonstrate that they have made a commitment to professional, ethical and knowledgeable practice would benefit from seeking iridology certification. The International Iridology Practitioners Association (IIPA), an iridologists’ trade association, approves iridology certification programs that meet their professional standards. In addition, some practitioners choose to apply for certification from other groups such as the American Naturopathic Medical Certification Board.

Career Outlook

Iridology is hailed by its proponents as an important diagnostic tool in the area of preventive medicine. With preventive medicine and public health promotion taking a front seat in the ongoing changes to health care in the United States, practitioners with iridology training may see an upswing in interest from patients seeking out less invasive diagnostic methods and more holistic approaches to their health.

Iridology Salary

Once you’ve completed your iridology training, your annual salary may vary depending on your specific job title—naturopathic doctor, holistic nurse, and so on. However, most iridologists earn about $75 for an in-office iris analysis and consultation. Analysis of slides or digital images may cost more—usually between $75 and $125.

Is an Iridology Career Right for You?

Iridology traces its lineage all the way back to the late 1800s, but its potential in modern medicine has yet to be fully explored. If you’re interested in this dynamic and growing field of preventive medicine, and would like to incorporate complementary, non-invasive diagnostic techniques into your health care practice, iridology training can be a useful tool to add to your repertoire.


4)CNM iridology from London


A CNM Professional course in Iridology – analysis of the eye’s coloured iris – could throw open the curtains to a new level of diagnostic insight for you and your patients.

By helping to reveal a person’s underlying constitution, information displayed in the iris can suggest especially useful therapies to complement your specialism.

About the course

Iridology is the study of the “iris”, the exposed nerve endings which make up the coloured part to the eye. The colours and the many structural variations which can be viewed in each iris, are the genetically determined evidence of your uniqueness. You will learn how to examine and analyse the iris in order to interpret signs that may indicate the client’s general constitution and their genetic susceptibility to particular conditions, and whether their organs and tissues are inflamed, toxic or under stress.

Iridology is a useful tool to the practitioner and student practitioner wishing to provide an individualised service to their clients by informing them of their innate strengths and weaknesses, empowering them to work within those limits.

Key Features

  • Dynamics of one-to-one consultations and case taking
  • Theory and history of Iridology
  • Anatomy of the eye and iris
  • Iris topography and the iris map
  • Signs and markings in the iris, pupil and sclera, and their implications
  • Clinical practice and contraindications
  • Recognition of pathological portraits and naturopathic therapies
  • Empowering the client
  • Advanced constitutional Iridology
  • Subtypes and syndromes


  • CNM Diploma in Iridology


  • Accredited by the Guild of Naturopathic Iridologists International


  • London

Course Fee

  • Please contact our registration advisors for exact course pricing, discounts, and financing options.

Study Programme

  • Certificate Course: The course is 6 days and is held on weekends.
  • Diploma Course: The course is 6 days and is held on weekends.

5)High School Graduation or GED completion


Certified Iridologist (CI)

Iridology is the assessment of the body according to the irides (the colored area of the eye).The iris is one of the most complex structures of human anatomy. To an Iridologist, specific areas of the irides correspond to specific organs, tissues and body areas; and colors and textures suggest biochemical changes. The topography of the iris as it relates to the rest of the body has been mapped by practitioners over the last 400 years. More recently physicians have been able to study patients before and after operations and confirm signs within the iris and compare with the tissues and organs by the use of autopsies.

This program is mostly composed of eBook courses.

Requirement: High School Graduation or GED completion

Time to Complete: Four to six months by distance learning

Program is approved and sanctioned by the IIPA


Anatomy & Physiology Credit 2

Natural Health & Nutrition Credit 2

Iris Analysis Credit 4

Natural Health Approaches I Credit 2

Herbology Credit 2

Total Credit Hours: 12

Tuition: 600.00

50.00 per credit hour

All materials and access to instructors are included in the tuition except the textbooks and the eBooks.

All the courses are the two credit hour version of the original except for the Iris Analysis


Information on Course: NES 500 Iris Analysis Credit 4

Text: Techniques in Iris Analysis, Textbook for Iridology by Ellen Tart-Jensen, PH. D, D.Sc, CCII

Text Availability: or Bernard Jensen International (Kindle version available here)

Description: Excellent course using one of the most up to date Iridology

textbooks available in the world today.

Clearly written with hundreds of color photographs and illus­trations.

This book is positioned to become the new standard in the Science of Iridology.

Award: Certificate in Iridology and Natural Health

Designation: Certified Iridologist (CI)

Note: With the completion of an additional 15 credit hours, a diploma award is earned.

The additional required courses are:

* Highly beneficial course(s) for Iridologists

Chemistry and Nutrition Credit 2

Digestive Wellness Credit 4

Iridological Assessment Credit 1

Sclerological Analysis Credit 2

Nail, Skin, Tongue Analysis Credit 2

Micro-circulation Enhancement Credit 1 *

Kinesiology Credit 1

Energy Medicine Credit 1

Business and Practice Matters for Natural Health Professionals Credit 1

Total hours: 27

Additional tuition cost: 750.00

Graduates are encouraged to become members of the IIPA:

International Iridology Practitioners Association at

Enroll Now

Certified Iridologist Practitioner (C.I.P)

The C.I.P Advanced Diploma Program is one of the most comprehensive available

Requirement: High School Graduation or GED completion

Time to Complete: Self-paced, generally 12 to 18 months

Program is approved and sanctioned by the IIPA


Anatomy & Physiology Credit 4

Natural Health & Nutrition Credit 2

Chemistry and Nutrition Credit 2

Iris Analysis Credit 4

Iridological Assessment Credit 1

Sclerological Analysis Credit 2

Natural Health Approaches I Credit 5

Nail, Skin, Tongue Analysis Credit 2

The Natural Health Survey Credit 1

Herbology Credit 2

Digestive Wellness Credit 4

pH Balance for Optimal Wellness Credit 1

Micro-circulation Enhancement Credit 1

Natural Solutions for Food Allergies and Food Intolerances Credit 3

Kinesiology Credit 1

Energy Medicine Credit 2

Bach Flower Remedies Credit 2

Basic Reflexology Credit 1

Cell Salts and Homeopathic Remedies Credit 1

Business and Practice Matters for Natural Health Professionals Credit 1

Total Credits: 42

50.00 Per Credit

Cost: 2100.00

Certain courses include the eBooks in the tuition. Textbooks not included

Award: Advanced Diploma in Iridology and Integrative Wellness Approaches

Designation: Certified Iridologist Practitioner (C.I.P)

Additional Recommended Courses:

The Art and Science of Sclerology Credit 4

Clinical Botanical Medicine Credit 5

Traditional Chinese Medicine Credit 2

Anti-aging and Longevity Approaches Credit 2

Herbal First Aid Credit 2

Pathology I Credit 5

Pathology II Credit 5

Note: With the completion of 60 credit hours, an Associates Degree in Iridology (ADI) is awarded. Graduates can use the C.I.P designation and/or the ADI designation.

The additional 18 credit hour courses should be chosen from the selection above but can be chosen from all the courses New Eden School offers.


6)Steven Horne iridology


n 2013, Steven Horne became certified as an IIPA Certified Comprehensive(r) Iridology Instructor for the International Iridology Practioner’s Association. So, in 2015, he will offer his first IIPA Certification course. The Certified Iridology program consists of just two classes: Practical IridologyIIPA Level One (an online class) and the Iridology WorkshopIIPA Level Two (a live class). Completion of these two courses will earn a Certified Iridolgist certificate from the School of Modern Herbal Medicine.

This program will also count towards certification with IIPA. However, IIPA Certification is done separately. IIPA requirements include:

Completion of IIPA Level One and Two Course
Submission of Ten Iris Evaluations
Passing a Written Exam
Proof of Attendence for a college-level Anatomy and Physiology course

If enough students are interested, Steven will put together an online Anatomy and Physiology course to help students meet this requirement, but he will have to get the course approved through IIPA.
Introdução à iridologia

This is a free online class teaching people the basic principles of constitutional iridology. It explains what iridology can and cannot do and covers the basic iris genotypes and personality types. It is an introductory course for our iridology training program.

This program is not available yet. We’ll post information here when registration is available.

Instructor: Steven Horne

Iridologia prática

Required For: Certified Iridogist. Completion of the former Practical Iridology course will not count towards this certification as we’re adding new material to meet IIPA requirements. One can upgrade from the old course, however.

Prerequisites: We recommend taking the free class An Introduction to Iridology before taking this course.

Webinars: All classes are recorded and posted online.

Course Hours: Ten two-hour webinars with about 30 hours of reading, online activities and homework for a total of about 50 hours of study. This course comes with a 175-page course manual.

Course Fee: $247 for early registration. $50 discount for members of the herbiverse.

Instrurctor: Steven Horne

IIPA Iridology Workshop

This is a two-day workshop to review and practice the material learned in Practical Iridology. Students will practice looking into each others eyes and doing iris readings. Photos will be taken of students eyes and the beginning of the class, so that everyone’s eyes can be put onto the screen and discussed.

There will be about 16 hours of instruction and practice, plus about 9 additional hours of homework and activities required to complete this course. Students will also be required to submit five case studies, which should take a minimum of two hours each. So, this class will take about 40 hours to complete.


7) Clinical Constitutional Iridology (Course)


Clinical Constitutional Iridology (Course)

The Eyes are Windows of the Soul

Iridology is a system of investigating the body and its functions with the information the body makes available through the iris. It is a living image, not merely of the body as we see it, but also of the process that creates it what it has been, and what it is liable to become. It is as simple, elegant, specific and perfect as the body itself.
~ Walter ‘ShantreeKacera, Constitutional Elemental Medicine.

This intensive course provides the most comprehensive understanding of the symbolic language of the interior world within us. It blends the various models of Iris Interpretation from the biological models to the psycho-emotional approaches. By integrating these unique approaches we can evaluate our physical integrity, constitutional natures, specific organ systems, our potential gifts and challenges, and most importantly, identify reasons for contributors to the disorders. We’ll also explore effective ways to apply preventative medicine practices, and what emotional/behavioral factors may be influencing these patterns.

Constitutional Iridology is the study of the Iris of the eye. It is gentle, noninvasive way of identifying inherited tendencies and dispositions. You will learn practical skills in how to diagnosis an individual’s constitution and know how to achieve health and well-being.

We will also explore the way the structures of the iris of the eye correspond to conscious and unconsciousness behavioral, relationship and communication patterns of the individual. We’ll look at how we can pinpoint trans-generational behavioral traits and their impact on mental, emotional and physical health. And clear demonstrations will be given of how the effects of family and other relationships on left brain/ right brain functioning can be revealed through the iris.

Studies will include models and systems in understanding the elemental forces as can be seen in the eye. These elemental forces we call Elemental Medicine. By the discovery of your living relationship with Air, Fire, Water, Earth & Ether. Through the Earth Wisdom Teachings, Movement, Dance, Meditations, Earth Rituals, Ayurveda and the Spirit of Plant Medicine, you will learn the secret language and qualities of each Element, how they express through your unique physiology ~ your constitution and the medicine they hold for you. As you let your heart and mind open in humble willingness to be taught by Nature, you will be blessed with their ‘sacred knowledgeand the ability to direct their life-giving energies for the purpose of healing, transformation, manifestation, creativity and spiritual growth.

Woven of the elements of life, Air, Fire, Water, Earth and Ether, we live in an elemental world womb. When we are conscious of the movements of the elements within us as they change, expand and contract with shortage or excess, transform, they offer gifts as they flow through us at every moment of our life. As they become part of our life experience wisdom grows as we
sense and feel their influence on our passions, desires, reactions and response to energies interacting with us.

In this constitutional model of Iridology we honor their presence in our inner and outer worlds and seek to understand their influence on health and dis-ease. We learn how we can use natural plants, foods, and elemental energies of nature to establish health and healing in our daily lives. This course delves deeply into the elements of life and their corresponding emotions as well as their healing modalities.

This is the core of Constitutional Iridology.

This practical course takes into the very heart of Constitutional Medicine and Iridology. It instills in the student the fundamental skill necessary to practice this ancient healing art as well as the profound understanding of the spirit and essence of Constitutional Iridology.

This course is not a quick ‘read through course, but is created to give you the most through, practical, hands-on learning experience possible with working with people using Iridology. Though it does require a time commitment on your part, if used as intended these lessons will provide a comprehensive understanding of this ancient healing art of Iris diagnosis and provide you with the skills necessary to be a competent Iridologist.

As you dive deeper into this study of the iris and understanding constitutional medicine expect a shift and transformation both in your life and way you view the world. It seems that as one begins to study and understand the inner ecology within our body we gain in appreciation of the wonder and the hidden potential that is within us.

This course is designed to provide a solid foundation in understanding Iridology as a natural healing art and science. The apprenticeship will be filled with practical visual aids, charts, slide and video presentations, case studies and plenty of hands-on experience.

What makes this course of study unique is the way that we integrate the ancient science of Ayurvedic Medicine and it’s diagnosis techniques. In this way you develop the skills of using the Tenfold & Eightfold Constitutional Examination along with Iridology. In this way you can get confirmation of your constitutional evaluation of the individual.

These steps are applied to a further detailed examination of the patient that is conducted in two waysTenfold Examination and Eightfold Examination. The check up of the patient is done by this test considering the following ten factors.

Tenfold Examination

* the condition of the body
* the current state of the illness
* the vitality of the tissue
* the kind of physique
* the body measures
* the flexibility
* the psychological condition
* the digestion
* the general condition
* the age

Eightfold Examination

* Pulse
* Tongue-taste
* Eyes and vision
* Voice and speech of the patient
* Touch, skin and tactile sense
* Urine evaluation
* Excrements and stool formation
* General body build, eg: lean, muscular, etc.

The following information will answer your questions about how to use these lessons.

Projects & Assignments

The Lessons are designed to provide practical, hands-on experience.

Each lesson gives:

Projects in this course involve case history taking, drawing iris charts, and writing a thesis. You are encouraged to complete as many of these projects as you can. Each assignment is designed to enrich your personal experience with the inner ecology within through the iris.


Homework is sent upon completion of each lesson and is returned to you. You DO NOT need to send your reference files. You should, however, keep us posted as to how you’re doing with your projects; i.e., how your reference files are progressing, report on your thesis development, and case history updates.

Time Completion

You may complete these lessons on your own time schedule. But in order to utilize them to their fullest, we recommend you set up a schedule time to do each lesson; one evening a week or an afternoon on the week-ends will keep your momentum going. The average time to complete the course is about one year. Some students have completed the material in 6 months while others may take a few years.


One of the specialties of these lessons is the personal attention available to your questions and homework. We invite your comments, and suggestions.


Each student who successfully completes the lessons and ALL the homework will receive a beautiful Iridology Certificate. The Certificate awarded states that you are acknowledged for the successful completion of a thorough in depth study and understanding of Constitutional Iridology. The reputation of this course is outstanding and is recognized as superior among other professional Iridologist, Iridology schools, and natural healing centers.

Lessons 1-14 & Beautifully Designed Course Binder

The Clinical Constitutional Iridology Correspondence Course comes in a specially designed binder. The binder makes it easy for you to keep your lessons, homework and other course material together. The binder is sent out as soon as we receive your tuition. To receive your lessons, binder and textbooks send a check or money order for ($1000. Canadian Funds) to:

‘The Living Centre,5871 Bells Rd. London, ON. CANADA, N6P 1P3

Course Textbooks & Charts

*Iridology: A Complete Guide to Diagnosing through the Iris and to Related forms of TreatmentFarida Sharon, MD (MA) MH, ND, FBRI
* Iris Diagnosis Charts (Shantree Kacera, D.N., Ph.D.)
* The Healing Tastes Charts (Shantree Kacera, D.N., Ph.D.)
* Ayurveda: The Science of Self-Healing (Dr. Vasant Lad)
* Ayurvedic Healing: A Comprehensive Healing (Dr. David Frawley)
* Conscious Living Manual: The Sevenfold Path to Peace, Shantree Kacera, D.N., Ph.D. & Lorenna Bousquet-Kacera, 2002
* Herbal Energetics Chart (Dr. Frawley, Lotus Press, 1986)

PART I The Correspondence Course

Is the home study of the course. Study the material and do the lessons at your own pace. Send in the lessons through the postal mail or email. We?ll check your lessons and make comments and give you feedback on your progress.

PART II The Advanced Study & Research

This part of the course is where you have the opportunity to dive even deeper into this field of study. You choose an area of study that you relates to this course that sparks the passion with in you would curious on exploring and researching. You write a 5,000 word thesis and send it in; we would also ask that you give a few classes or lectures in this topic to your local community.

** Clinical Constitutional Course Structure & Fees

Ayurvedic Medicine & Constitutional Diagnosis Training Intensive
Tenfold Diagnosis: The Art of Ayurvedic Diagnosis Training Intensive
Elemental Medicine Training Intensive
Clinical Practicum Training Intensive
Advanced Written Thesis, Research & Mentorship Program
Correspondence Course Material & Textbooks
Clinical Constitutional Iridology Correspondence Course Curriculum

This Course Package is worth $4,900.
(A saving of $1200 when paid in full)

* The Complete Correspondence Course paid in full is $1000.
* The Advanced part of the course is in you doing a Research Thesis.


8)Dr. Mercedes Colburn & Dr. Elise Cohen KCNH Iridology Training (Virtual)


Iridology Training (Virtual)


Do you want to learn more about a diagnostic tool that can be used to pinpoint your client’s health challenges?

Do you want to to identify toxicity in the bodies blueprint?

Do you want to identify inflammation in the body including where it is located and what stage it is in?

If the answer isyesthen Iridology is for you!


In these important virtual training sessions, Dr. Mercedes Colburn & Dr. Elise Cohen Ho will share with you all they have learned in their combined 35 years of Iridology experience including the science of Iridology, practical experience and The Business of Natural Healthcare.
Tuition for Iridology certification courses generally cost between $1200 to $1500 but in this course you will learn the skills that you need to practice Iridology for just a fraction of the cost.

How can we charge so little and give you so much?

Kingdom College of Natural Health sponsors these classes for the public. You do not need to be a KCNH student or alumni.

KCNH also offers an additional $50 discount for KCNH students and alumni.

Iridology Clinical Training (Virtual Class) Level 1


Upon completion of this course you will understand how to properly read an eye chart, identify various signs and markings in the iris, interpret their meaning and correlate areas of the iris to parts of the body, organs and systems.You will have the skills you need to work with in office and distance clients.

This Level 1 Clinical Training may be repeated FREE of charge based on availability.

Training Fee: $247

Attention Students & Alumni of Kingdom College of Natural Health: Register with your student ID and receive a $50 discount.

Upcoming Training Session:

September, 2017 Iridology Level 1

  • Session 1: Thursday, September 7 ~ 9 am to 10:30 am PACIFIC STANDARD TIME
  • Session 2: Thursday, September 28 ~ 9 am to 10:30 am PACIFIC STANDARD TIME

Winter, 2018

Dates: TBA

Class Webinar 1: Intro to Concepts, basic tools of iridology and demonstrations of eye reading (90 minutes in length) MANDATORY
Class Webinar 2: Review of Key Concepts, Q&A, Review of Study Guide (exam to be sent prior to webinar 2 so that questions can be answered live) (90 minutes in length) Highly Recommended


Iridology Clinical Training (Virtual Class) Level 2

In Iridology Clinical Training (Virtual Class) Level 2 with Dr. Mercedes Colburn and Dr. Elise Cohen Ho you will have further opportunity to practice Iridology assessments, review possible areas of deficiency, toxicity and inflammation, and develop plans for your clients with consideration towards nutrition, herbal support, dietary supplements and lifestyle changes.

Every student will be responsible for evaluation, and presentation of findings, for two sets of eyes. Instructors can provide eyes for evaluation but to get the most out of this course it will be best to practice your photographic skills and present eyes from your family, or personal clients.
Prerequisite: Iridology Clinical Training and/or Iridology Clinical Training (Virtual Class) Level 1.
Fall, 2017
Thursday, October 19th 9 am to 10:30 am PACIFIC STANDARD TIME
Thursday, November 2nd 9 am to 10:30 am PACIFIC STANDARD TIME
Spring, 2018
Dates TBA
Class Webinar 1: Review of Key Concepts, expansion of Iridology knowledge, and student led presentations of student evaluations of two sets of eyes per student. The student will also present recommended plans of action for the client. (90 minutes in length) MANDATORY
Class Webinar 2: Q&A, The Business of Iridology and Advanced Tools (90 minutes in length) MANDATORY
This Level 2 Clinical Training may be repeated FREE of charge based on availability. This is an excellent way to get new questions answered and to get help evaluating your clientseyes.

Training Fee: $247

Attention Students & Alumni of Kingdom College of Natural Health: Register with your student ID and receive a $50 discount.


ComplimentaryPrevious Students of Advanced Iridology Webinar Based Training with KCNH
  • There is no mandatory textbook. You will use your favored resources and can choose to use instructor recommended resources.
  • Instructors can provide films for the purposes of evaluation or the student may provide their own film.
  • Films must be approved a minimum of 1 week prior to the webinar,
  • The student will read their own films and give feedback on other films presented.

Canine/Feline Iridology Clinical Training (Virtual Class)
Understanding what is showing in a cat or dog’s eyes can help you to avoid health problems as well as to identify a genetic predisposition, or an increased likelihood of developing a particular disease. This course is appropriate for animal breeders, veterinarians, and all holistic animal healers.
Do note that iridology Level 1 and Level 2 are excellent courses to take to begin your understanding of all iridology, including canine and feline.

Equine Iridology Clinical Training (Virtual Class)
This course will teach you how to read the markings in the eye of the horse. You will then be able to provide the owner with a detailed report of the integrity of their horse’s body in areas such as: constitutional strength, levels of congestion, toxic accumulations, and inherited strengths and weaknesses. You will also be able to tell if your equine client has over or under activity in specific areas of the body.

The Top 8 Iridology Training ,I Think IIPA Is The Best !!!!





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