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rayid iridology

June 1, 2020

How does Rayid differ from the physical view of the iris?

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Iridology is the study of the iris or colored part of the eye and is used as a diagnostic tool by trained healthcare professionals. Through the various markings, signs and discoloration on the iris, nature reveals the genetic weaknesses and strengths, personality traits, patterns, behavioral traits, attitudes, challenges and gifts that may accompany life.

Iridology began around 1861 when 11-year-old Dr. Ignatz von Peczely noticed an owl in a tree in the backyard of his home. After trying to catch the owl, he accidentally broke an owl’s leg. Then he noticed black streaks appearing under the owl’s iris. Dr. von Peczely clothed the owl’s leg, conditioned it to make it healthy, and then released it. But the owl froze, and then he noticed the white and curved lines appearing in the part of the iris where the dark streaks were. Later he remembered his encounter with an owl in medicine, and thus modern iridology was born.

In most cases, iridology has been used as a roadmap for the body, showing the location of each gland and organ and the physical health associated with various parts of the body. Rayid Iris was born completely independent of traditional iridology. If you’ve had an iridology exam in the past, you may find that exciting new developments have radically changed the way we look at our irises. This is due in large part to the integration of Rayid Iridology, which many practitioners only use.

The Rayid model recognizes that through the ages, the eye has been known as the window to the mind. Modern behavioral research proves this statement to be true. By using the iris, we can determine what personality traits and creative abilities a person has acquired, what gifts they have and what lessons they must learn. We can also observe the specific support that people need in order to reach their maximum potential.

Rayid is based on the following principles.

-Life has a purpose.
-Creating, animating and unifying all of life’s dynamic perfection (often invisible)
-This perfect law of nature regulates the body, mind and spirit.
-Human consciousness has an innate ability to create.
-All mankind and the natural world as one.
-The greatest unifying force in life is love.

This has produced new therapies for nurturing the soul and its destiny. Releasing negative emotions, attitudes and behavioral habits can bring many benefits. Help is provided for you in this version and tools to increase motivation to get to a higher level:.

Excellent leadership.
Silence/purity/spiritual unity.
These subtle and powerful therapies are used to bring health and happiness to individuals and radically change lives. Provides you with a range of tools for increasing these vibrations, including meditation, rituals, prayer, intimacy, breathing and creative visualization.

In conventional iridology, signs that may indicate liver toxicity or weakness are interpreted as anger or resentment, and the enthusiasm and grace that Rayid Iris brings. In Chinese medicine, the connection between these emotions and liver function goes back thousands of years. In the West, there is also a longstanding understanding of “liver” or “liver”. In Rayid’s words, these signs are seen as providing great enthusiasm and providing tools to help dispel negativity and gain positive gifts. This increased release and positive expression will have lasting health benefits to other glands, organs and body systems, in this case affecting the liver and gallbladder.

Conventional iridology refers to the concentric lines of the iris as “nerve rings,” suggesting that individuals may be susceptible to stress. In Rayid terms, the symbol is called the “Ring of Freedom” (originally called the “Ring of Achievement”) and these people are goal-oriented and often feel “driven”: as if they must do more. This intense energy needs to be released or transformed by expression. Usually, the higher the number of rings, the more intense the individual’s restlessness is. Often, there is some experience of shame, ridicule, separation, and friction between women who have been passed down through DNA between stay-at-home mothers, and this is what drives people to achieve. It is a feeling; if I don’t achieve it, I will not be loved. Tools are provided to increase the positive integration of gracefully accepting love and to help them find a place of constant judgment about themselves and others. This releases the fear that drives the ring of freedom and ultimately allows the individual to develop and make the world a more beautiful place

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Why rayid ?

Unlike other mystery readings, Rayid is a medical skill that can deeply and accurately identify you as a person. And, Rayid gives you powerful tools for physical and emotional self-healing to nurture your soul and its destiny.
You will discover the genetic origin of any disease or major life event, learn how to heal, and bring light and love to yourself, your children and future generations.
By understanding the pattern of the iris, the influence of birth order position, and the presence of your ancestors, you can grow and develop in remarkable ways.
You have the power to make a big difference in your life, in your family and in the world at large. By applying the Rayid model, you can awaken new potential and possibilities in your life.
The 3 Stages of Custom Spiritual Evolution
1. identify the unique blueprint of your soul. Experience a Rayid consultation today – it will change your life!
2. Get your biochemistry right with natural remedies.
3. You can use powerful tools to heal and develop your dreams.

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