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Read this the next time you’re desperately longing for chart to iridology.

July 29, 2018

chart to iridology

How to take your iridology images

How to take your iridology images

Use your thumb to pull down your bottom eyelid, while at the same time use your index finger to lift-up your top eyelid until the entire eye is visible (the top and bottom part of your eye must be visible); if that doesn’t work, then open your eye wide enough to where the photographer can see the top and bottom part of your eye. Then Look Straight into the camera’s eye, and shine a flashlight, or pin light directly at each corner of your eye (one eye at a time). This will illuminate your iris fibers so that the camera can pick-up the iris fibers. All is needed is a photo of your iris (eye) and not your entire face .

chart to iridology

Iridology and Nutrition: A Personalized Diet through Iridology

Iridology and Nutrition: A Personalized Diet through Iridology

Every cell, tissue and organ of the body has its nutritional requirements. They require specific nutrients in correct combinations to work at their best. When the body is not fed properly, certain elements become depleted and the body begins to suffer. The iris reflects these nutritional needs and the skilled iridologist can see them. Iridology takes much of the guess work from your food choices and better prepares your body for the future.

All tissues change according to the nutritional program applied and the living habits a person practices. Improper living habits undermine the body until it is unable to hold up under stress.
Iridology points out where the inherent weaknesses are and what is needed nutritionally to strengthen them. When the organs and tissues are fed the correct nutrients and receive the proper rest, healing can begin to take place.

As an example, people with loose iris fibers, referred to in iridology as the, “connective type”, can help their body by consuming extra amounts of bioflavonoids either by eating more fruits or through supplementation. Connective types would also benefit from cabbage juice which is high, in a lesser known Vitamin known as, vitamin P. Another way Iridology may help an individual with a more personalized nutrition plan, is by iris color. For example, through decades of Iridology research it has been noted that many people with dark brown eyes benefit from focusing on eating more blood building type foods such as kale, spinach, alfalfa and chlorella.

Iridology can help anyone personalize their diet. As always remember that Iridology is not to be used alone but along with the help and guidance of your qualified health care professional.

Iridology is intended to empower you with personal information necessary to live a life of vibrant health!

chart to iridology

Can Iridology Be Used to Diagnose Disease?

Can Iridology Be Used to Diagnose Disease?

In short, Iridology cannot diagnose disease, furthermore, iridology cannot give the name of any disease a person may have, or have had or identify pathology. Instead, Iridology is a tool to assess potential strengths and deficiencies within the body.
Many types of health practitioners practice iridology, including Medical doctors, chiropractors, nurses, and herbalist. Each use their own particular realm of expertise to determine the course of action they would use in response to what they observe in the eyes of their client. This usually includes suggestions for diet, supplementation and exercise.
For example, if a potential genetic tendency for a deficiency in the heart area is found, it may be suggested that the client avoid a diet high in fats and salt, along with proper exercise to keep his or her weight down. An herbalist might recommend herbs, such as, hawthorn that have been traditionally used to strengthen the heart. For a client with a potential tendency toward lymphatic congestion, a suggestion could be made that in cases like these avoiding foods high in gluten, sugar, and dairy products may help avoid allergic reactions

It is believed that iridology reveals the areas of genetic strengths and deficiencies within the body. Further, iridology may show the presence and location of tendencies for tissue irritation and inflammation. These features of the eye make it the perfect window for observing a person’s health potential.

Iris analysis is a non-invasive, painless, and economical means of assessing a person’s overall health and is to be utilized in conjunction with other systems of analysis.

Iridology complements all the health sciences as it provides information, not only about what may be ailing the client, but also about the root cause of the disorder.

chart to iridology

What is iridology?

“The Iris, Sclera and Pupil of the eye show the veil the soul has created, through consciousness (or forgetfulness), that reflects the illusion which prepares the soul for attaining the reality of full enlightenment.”
~David J. Pesek, Ph.D., September 1988

Eyes have long been referred to as the “Windows of the Soul.” But few people are aware of just how true this observation is. Accurate analysis of iris structure and pigmentation provides information about you or your clients that is hard to find through other methods. This information is so valuable that Iridology deserves to become a widely practiced assessment tool in both the physical and psychological health fields. There are a multitude of factors that influence our health and personality, and many of these factors are reflected in the iris. Look closely at your eyes in a mirror, and then at the irises of those around you. You will see many different patterns of iris fibers and colors. Like fingerprints or faces, no two are exactly alike, and neither are we! The iris structure is so unique; it is now being used for security identification at ATM machines and airports. Microsoft’s house of the future will use an eye scanner to identify residents and unlock the door.

Iridology is based on the scientific study of the iris — the colored part of the eye. Like markings on a map, the iris reveals physiological conditions, psychological health risks, challenges and/or strengths of various organs and personality traits.

Through iridology we can get an understanding of your past, present, and potential future health conditions by assessing the various body systems. Your inherited tendencies compounded by toxic accumulations in various parts of your body are also revealed.

The Science of Iridology is based on the analogy of one of the most complicated tissue structures of the whole body – the iris.

It is a method whereby the doctor or health practitioner can tell, from markings or signs in the iris, the reflex condition of various organs and systems of the body. These markings represent a detailed picture of the integrity of the body; it’s constitutional potentials, areas of congestion or toxic accumulations and inherent challenges and gifts.

The four principles that form the cornerstones of iridology are:

The condition of the nerves
The condition of the blood and lymph system
Adequate circulation
Nutrition – rest quality, breathing – state of mind

Nature has provided us with an invaluable insight into the vital status of the health of the body by transmitting this information to the eye.

The laboratory testing procedures practiced today, which are not always necessary, are expensive, time-consuming and, often, uncomfortable to the patient. With iridology, we have a simple, painless, economical and non-invasive way of looking into the body. This is not to say that it should exclude other forms of analysis. On the contrary, it may be employed in conjunction with any other system of analysis or a diagnosis that a practitioner wishes to use. Now, more than any other time in history, we are in a need of accurate and less complex means of analyzing a patient’s condition.

Eighty percent of the diseases treated in this country are of a chronic nature. The tissue found in chronically afflicted patients can be monitored better in the iris of the eye than, possibly, by any other method of analysis.

Iridology gives an essential insight to the development of these chronic diseases or the diminishing of that disease or inflammation.

The Science of Iridology is based on the analysis of one of the most complicated tissue structures of the whole body-the iris. Iridology offers a unique perspective to the concept and practice of preventive health care. It involves a non-invasive diagnostic procedure, commonly used by the European practitioners and may be useful in the detection of existing conditions as well as inherited genetic weaknesses. It is known that approximately 300 thousand nerves from various parts of the body make their way to the optic nerve. Therefore, projection of systemic activity may be visible at the iris.

A system of pseudodiagnosis based on the belief that each body region and/or organ is represented by one of six regions on the iris; iridologists claim to diagnose imbalances in the body by studying the shape, colour(s) and qualities of the iris. Anecdotal reports imply that diseases can be identified by changes in the iris including anaemia, cardiac conditions, trauma, liver disease, adrenal dysfunction and renal stress. Interpretation of the changes seen differs according to the iridologist: while all agree that colour changes are significant, for some, whitish discolouration is believed to indicate overstimulation, while for others, these same spots indicate an accumulation of toxins (e.g., uric acid or cholesterol); all agree that clarity of the iris indicates healthiness. Once identified, defects can (in theory) be treated using vitamins, herbs, minerals and other substances.

chart to iridology

Iridology benefit

Iridology benefit

1. Their examination is non-invasive. The only thing patients have to tolerate is light being shone in the eyes.

2. Iridologists aim to keep the patient well. They try to discover imbalances or weaknesses in the body before they develop into serious medical problems. Of course prevention of health problems is a central concept of all schools of medicine. Iridologists’ advice on how to keep the patient well is frequently good. For example, they may recommend a good diet, drinking plenty of water, and moderate exercise.

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