MAIKONG-Профессиональная иридологическая камера ирископная система Производитель и поставщик

иридологическая камера

» иридологическая камера

  • Технические характеристики
  • Installation & Operation
  • Иридологическая таблица СЕРДЦА
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iridology camera australia

Conclusion for iridology

Conclusion for iridology:

Iridology is an excellent example of pseudoscience in medicine, displaying many of the core features. It was invented by one individual based upon a single observation and emerging from a culture of quackery and pseudoscience. It follows a pre-scientific notion of biology – the homunculus model. It lacks any basis in anatomy, physiology, or any other basic science. Its practitioners are mostly “alternative” practitioners who use the technique as a cold reading. And the research clearly shows that iridology has absolutely no effect – it does not provide any useful information at all.

Anyone using or promoting iridology is, therefore, a pseudoscientific practitioner. Any profession that endorses iridology is not science-based and should be looked upon with suspicion.

iridology camera australia

SD8004 iridology CameraJoyful iridology camera australia

SD8004 iridology CameraJoyful iridology camera australia

Joyful Living Services, in partnership with Iris Imaging, is excited to announce that we now offer an 24.2MP Digital Iridology and Sclerology Camera Systemthat has the capability of extremely high resolution and uncompromising quality at affordable prices.
Our Iridology and Sclerology System is based on the 24.2MP Nikon DSLR. The system uses a highly rated, crystal clear 90mm lens that has even greater clarity than the 105mm macro lens for unparalleled performance and clarity.
The camera features a newly designed oversized Nikon CMOS sensor specifically optimized for low noise and high saturation, giving you the best image quality available. It also uses Image-processing engine EXPEED 3the same as that used by the Nikon D4 FX-format flagship camera and a 3-inch Clear View LCD with anti-reflective and scratch-resistant coating. You’ll have uncompromised Digital performance with power and flexibility in the palm of your hands.
We use a highly regarded macro lens along with a specifically designed flash and two high quality fiber optic strands to illuminate the eye perfectly. This allows for greater depth of field and consistently clearer pictures. The flashes are still within the pupil so no part of the eye is obscured.
The portable fully adjustable custom camera stand is made of heavy duty plate aluminum with a beautifulBrite Dippedface mount rather than the plastic found in other systems. This gives you unequaled beauty, strength, stability and longevity. It is easy to set up on any table, at any location for ultimate portability and comfort.
The lighting system gives you perfectly illuminated shots every time without flash spots on the iris. The twin head focus light is embedded in the flash ring giving you ease in focusing while being easy on the client.

The camera comes with all the drivers, manuals and instructions making it easy to take stunning pictures that will impress your clients and offer excellent clinical advantages over any other camera in this price range. We recommend the Iridology Station 5.1 software that will automatically scan the iris and compile a report that you can share with your clients making the start of your business a breeze. The camera comes with a 1-year manufactures warranty.
Because of the power of our unique Iridology and sclerology system, you can greatly magnify the size of the image on your computer screen. This gives you the option to zoom in and observe minute nuances that are simply unavailable with other cameras. Scroll down to the end of this page to see examples of the quality you can add to your practice. Now compare the images from other cameras and see why we are so excited to offer this package at this price.

Blue-Eyed Type (German: Lymphatic)
White collerette (autonomic nerve wreath), solid blue or gray/blue color with no discoloration or psora (pigments). Related to the primary color blue and the spiritual aspect of health. Strong tendency towards Western phlegmatic (water) constitution and Chinese water, metal constitutions.

Mixed-Eyed Type (German: Biliary)
Discolorations or psora (drug spots) on top of a blue background (fiber structure is visible through color). Related to the primary color yellow and the mental aspect of health. Strong tendency towards Chinese wood, earth constitutions and the Western air constitution.

Brown Eyed Type (German: Hematogenic)
Pure brown eye with pigments covering iris fiber structure. Related to the primary color red and the physical aspect of health. Probably Chinese constitutional types: fire and earth. Probability related to Western fire and earth constitutions as well.

Sclerology is the Study of the Whites of the Eyes.
The immediate and current data in the whites of the eyes effectively doubles, enhances, and verifies what can be seen in the irises. The SD8004 Super Digital Iridology and Sclerology Camera System takes excellent sclera photos as seen in this photo.

Full System:
Full System with Camera, Stand and Case: Retails for $4,600. On sale this month for $3,600. Free Upgrade Option: Upgrade to the 24.2MP. SAVE $350.


Handheld Camera: Retails for $3,600. On sale this month for $2,950 with case. Free Upgrade Option: Upgrade to the 24.2MP. SAVE $350.

If you want to purchase the stand by itself:
$800.00 + shipping

Shipping and Handling:
$100 within the United States(SAVE $50 on shipping until April 30th)

Call or e-mail for quote outside the United States

Good day Brenda, I am happy to let you know that I received the 2 shipments on Tuesday. Thank you very much for your dedication and support. The whole family was motivated by my ‘Intermediate Iridology Certificate’. I am busy completing my ‘Advanced Iridology’, reading Dr. Jensen’s Iridology Volume II and Mr. Mehlmauer’s Sclerology. Very soon, I will start studying my Muscle Testing and may contact you for assistance if need be. My SD8004 iridology camera australia has also been retrieved from Customs yesterday. My elder daughter who is a clinical and IT engineer will help me set it up tomorrow with her boyfriend. We are all very much excited because we are slowly but surely fulfilling our dream. I sincerely express my deep appreciation to you and my family for your continued support and encouragement. Dr. DC Tshibangu

My name is Mara Bramante. I live in Italy. I would like to thank both Brenda and Chris for all the assistance they gave me before and after receiving my SD8004 Super Digital Iridology Camera. The camera has been my best purchase yet. It has facilitated my work as an iridologist. It takes such clear precise pictures, and above all, it is really easy to use. I have recommended the same SD8004 to 3 Italian colleagues, and I am proud to say that they are just as satisfied with the camera as I am, and they too, find working with it very simple and pleasant. This makes me very happy. While ordering the cameras, we were afraid to encounter problems with the shipment, but amazingly the delivery dates were respected and all four cameras arrived safely. What touched me is the way Brenda and Chris made sure to follow up on our orders very closely, and were always (and still are) available to answer any question or doubt. I will highly keep recommending it. Once againthank You Joyful Living !!

I have purchased the SD8004 Super Digital Iridology Camera and would like to share something for you Brenda. I live in Botswana. I not only had no problems with receiving my camera, but would like to thank Brenda and Chris very much for their total support and help for everything. I truly love the camera, as I have found it sturdy, convenient and quite easy to use. It has made a big difference in iris photo taking of my clients and patients. Not only is there no distraction of lights in the iris, but focusing is a pleasure, not only for myself but for my clients as well. I do not have to take long to take their pictures, so in turn there is no stress on their eyes. The instructions are easy to follow. I recommend this camera for all those Iridologists that want to make their consultations easy and comforting to their patients. Brenda, I thank you so much for your time in answering all my questions prior and after buying your camera. With email access, all this was possible & hassle free. Thank you Brenda and Chris for all your support. It has helped my practice tremendously. Mrs. Allie

This is Denise Coyle, and I am a nutritional therapist living and working in Ireland. I have always been fascinated by iridology, so when I found the course offered by JLS I jumped at the chance to study. It is proving to be an invaluable diagnostic tool in conjunction with my nutritional therapy training. However, I found that as a beginner, it was taking me lots of time to study someone’s iris, which meant that I had to hold a magnifying glass and flashlight for lengthy periods in their personal spaces, something that I myself would not appreciate. I started looking at iridology camera australias, and comparing photos taken by all different types from all different price ranges. There was absolutely none that compared to the quality and clarity of the SD8004. Yes, it is on the more expensive side, but I believe it is well worth it. My Irish family has been kind enough to let me take photos of their irises for the practice. Previously, I’d looked at their irises with a magnifier and light. But when I got the camera and saw the images produced, I was amazed and appalled at all that I had missed! There were so many more subtle markings and color variations that I would not have documented without the SD8004. I would not hesitate to recommend this camera to anyone who is serious about practicing iridology. Thanks especially to Brenda and Chris for working so closely with me to insure I got exactly what I wanted, and in a timely manner. Chris emailed to tell me the camera would be ready to use straight out of the box, and he wasn’t kidding! He even included instructions on battery changing. If you decide to go with this camera, I would also highly recommend the Iridology Station 5.1 softwareit’s the perfect complement for analysis and organization!

iridology camera australia

The Study of the Eyes: What is Iridology?

The Study of the Eyes: What is Iridology?

Иридология, также часто называемая иридологическим анализом, также ошибочно называемая диагностикой радужной оболочки глаза или иридологической диагностикой, представляет собой исследование радужной оболочки человеческого глаза.

Более формальное описание, сформулированное всемирно известным американским иридологом Эллен Тарт-Дженсен, звучит так: «Иридология — это изучение цвета, пигментации и структуры радужной оболочки или цветной части глаза, поскольку они связаны генетически посредством рефлекторной реакции на сильные стороны глаза. и недостатки организма.

Кроме того, многие иридологи наблюдают за границей зрачка, а также за сосудистыми пятнами на склере, чтобы лучше понять общее состояние здоровья человека.

Каждый ирис совершенно уникален. Он обеспечивает генетический проект тела человека. Люди часто могут приобрести унаследованные физические слабости, которые могли повлиять на предыдущих членов семьи. Их можно обнаружить с помощью иридологии. С помощью анализа радужной оболочки иридолог может определить общее состояние здоровья человека. Иридология может выявить многие вещи, и, пожалуй, самое важное — возможность воспаления и раздражения в различных частях тела. В этом смысле иридология является полезным аналитическим инструментом.
Большинство современных иридологов используют иридологическую камеру, чтобы фотографировать левую и правую радужную оболочку своих клиентов. После получения качественных неподвижных изображений радужной оболочки с высоким разрешением они используют иридологическую карту или иридологическую карту, чтобы начать иридологический анализ. Иридолог также может использовать программное обеспечение для иридологии для проведения иридологического анализа.

Иридология дополняет все науки о здоровье, поскольку предоставляет информацию не только о том, что вас беспокоит, но и о первопричине заболевания.

Иридология – это безопасный, неинвазивный аналитический инструмент, который можно интегрировать как с ортодоксальной, так и с дополнительной медициной.
Иридология помогает людям узнать о своих генетических сильных и слабых сторонах и лучше понять, что они могут сделать, чтобы помочь себе.

Iridologist, believe that iridology is one of the best assessment tools available to discover which areas of the body are genetically strong and which are deficient. Iridology can analyze the overall health according to specific iris colors and m

iridology camera australia

угловая иридологическая таблица угловая иридологическая таблица иридологические диаграммы скачать бесплатно Угловая иридологическая таблица

Место происхожденияГуандун, Китай
Гарантия1 год
Послепродажное обслуживаниеВидео Техническая поддержка
Типиридологическая камера, ирископ
ОсобенностьАнализ пигментации, анализ морщин на коже, определение влажности кожи
ПриложениеДля домашнего использования
Название брендаМАЙКО
Номер моделиМК-9822У
Пиксели12 МП
СистемаWindows XP, WIN2000, 2003, Vista, Win7, Win8, Win 10, Win 11, Apple MAC OS
Разрешение ПЗС-сенсора5,0 МП
Детали упаковкиЭкспортная коробка
Время выполнения5-7 дней (в зависимости от количества)
Возможность поставки10000 шт./шт. в месяц
Размер одной упаковки33X28X12 см
Одиночный вес брутто2.500 кг




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