MAIKONG-Professional iridology camera iriscope system Manufacturer and supplier

iridology pictures

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iridology pictures and meanings

iridology pictures and meanings

iridology pictures and meanings What ist iridology? Iridology is based on the scientific study of the iris — the colored part of the eye. Like markings on a map, the iris reveals physiological conditions, psychological health risks, challenges and/or strengths of various organs and personality traits. Through iridology we can get an understanding of your past, present, and potential future …

56 PCS iridology pictures

56 PCS iridology pictures

56 PCS iridology pictures   The Science behind the challenge What is Iridology? Iridology’s beginning started in the early 1800s when a young boy named Ignatz von Peczely of Egernar, near Budapest, Hungary, caught an owl one day. The eleven year old boy struggled with the frightened bird and met with the fierce claws as the bird instinctively tried to …