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The application and development of iridology observation (1)

May 10, 2015

In 1790 Portugal University, Europe published books and established iridology. In 1786 Hettingen University presented a essay ��De Ocolo Et Signo������Eyes And Signs����. In 1831 Viennese doctor Y.Beer mentioned the Relation of iris and organs in his book about eye disease. In old and middle ages, scientists mainly took attention to the structure of iris and changes of color while diagnosis and basic method for iris and pupil diagnosis were ignored. Mediacal Doctor Ignatz von Peczely��1826-1907��from Egernar suggested a systematic diagnosis and proved the reaction of Iridology Chart. So the first iridology book was published.
When Peczely was in college and working in hospital, he had begun to investigate the iris changes of different patients. He discovered every change of body and organs will reflect in certain area of iris. As a result he drew the first Iridology Chart and became the founder of modern iridology. In 1880 Peczely published a book described the diagnosis disciplines of iris, which mainly described reacted position and the form of iris changes fir body and organs. After that he still insisted in publishing diagnosis disciplines of iris. In the book he mentioned eye was not just the mirror of soul but also the important elements of body, but it could not be accepted in the age.
Sweden Minister N.Liljequist added create a new another important page in iridology history. His brief ��eye never lies�� had explained the reason for his interest in iris. He updated a more detailed and reliable Iridology Chart on the basic of Peczely��s Iridology Chart, and confirmed the location of digestive tract and proved the shortage of organs could be seen in eye. His book (published in 1897) first described detailed analysis of iris and found the toxic stockpile and the changes of erethism in iris.
At the same time in Europe, the founder of Chicago naturopathy Lindlar, described several disciplines about iridology and naturopathy.
There are some other famous Iridology Diagnostician like E.Felke,ESchlegel,P.Thiel,M.Madaus e H.Hense��K.Baumhauer,R.Schnabel��A.Maubach. H.Hense put iris imagine in his book for the first time, and R.Schnabel named microscope instead of magnifier.
In 1920 M. Madaus established a magazine called ��Iriscorrespondens�� which widespread iridology, and developed more research reports at the end of 19 century and the beginning of 20 century. However, most of researchers were independent, and low technology affected the clinical research and it was lack of labs and support from hospital and university. As a result, all kind of reason made that it was not acceptable.
In the latest iridology history, school developed the Iridology Diagnosis and it became more systematic, for the research results were different, and the Iridology Charts were different.
Iridology is a rising science, there are many possible changes in the future, but the basic for researching physiology and pathology remains the same. Accompanying with the medical history, and discovering the changes in patients�� irises, we will find the value of iridology in Diagnosis.

B��Jensen��USA��,I.Deck��Germany��,RBourdiol��France��,P.Dimkov��Bulgaria��& E.Velkhover��Russia��are the founders


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