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Why there’s more than enough eyedeology chart to go ’round.

July 28, 2018

eyedeology chart

Why iridology?

Why iridology?

eyedeology chart

Contraction Furrows. Sclera Signs. Syndromes iridology book

Contraction Furrows. Sclera Signs. Syndromes iridology book


Power Point CD, 59 Frames
By Ellen Tart-Jensen, Ph.D., D.Sc., CCII

This colorful power point show has very clear and detailed iris signs, showing various types of contraction furrows (formerly called stress rings). The area the furrows are located, whether they intersect or break. Where they intersect or break can tell the iridologist a great deal about the nervous system and health of that person. This CD also shows various signs that show up in a person’s sclera that may indicate trauma to a part of the body, tendency for poor vessel strength, excess sugar in the body and many other things. Syndrome patterns that can occur within the iris including Cardio Abdominal, Cardio Renal and Pancreatic are shown. This CD has wonderful written explanations, and arrows pointing to the signs are being taught. Excellent for a student learning iridology or for an iridology instructor to use in the classroom.

eyedeology chart

The Study of the Eyes: What is Iridology?

The Study of the Eyes: What is Iridology?

Iridology also commonly referred to as Iridology analysis, also mistakenly referred to as, Iris diagnosis, or Iridology diagnosis, is the study of the iris of the human eye.

A more formal description as stated by World renowned American Iridologist, Ellen Tart-Jensen is, “Iridology is the study of the color, pigmentations, and structure of the iris or colored portion of the eye as they relate genetically through reflex response to the strengths and deficiencies of the body.

In addition, many iridologists observe the border of the pupil as well as the vascular markings in the sclera to help them better understand more about the overall health of the person.

Each iris is completely unique. It provides the genetic blueprint to a person’s body. People can often acquire inherited physical weaknesses that may have affected previous family members. These may be detected through iridology. Through iris analysis, the iridologist may be able to determine a person’s overall state of health. Iridology can reveal many things, perhaps most importantly, the possibility of inflammation and irritation in the various bodily parts. In this sense, iridology is a useful analytical tool.
Most modern Iridologist, use an iridology camera to take photographs of their clients, left and right iris. Once they have obtained quality high resolution still images of the iris, they then use an iridology map or iridology chart to begin their iridology analysis. The iridologist may also use iridology software to assist in the iridology analysis.

Iridology complements all the health sciences as it provides information, not only about what may be ailing you, but also about the root cause of the disorder.

Iridology is a safe, non-invasive analytical tool, which can be integrated with both orthodox and complementary medicine.
Iridology helps people learn about their genetic strengths and weaknesses and become more aware of what they can do to help themselves.

Iridologist, believe that iridology is one of the best assessment tools available to discover which areas of the body are genetically strong and which are deficient. Iridology can analyze the overall health according to specific iris colors and markings.

eyedeology chart


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