Maikong-professionelle Iridologiekamera-Iriscope Hersteller und Lieferant


» Iridologie-Kamera

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iriscope iris analyzer what is it?

Iriscopio de 12.0 Megapíxeles Modelo IR 9925U 1

iriscope iris analyzer

Iris-Analysator iriscope

Iriscopio de 12.0 Megapíxeles Modelo IR 9925U 4

iriscope iris analyzer

Iris-Analysator iriscope

iriscope iris analyzer

Iris-Analysator iriscope

Name:Iridology camera surgical instruments for maxillofacial surgery Main Functions and Features: a. Nice appearance and good-looking design

b. Cold light illuminator around camera

c. Imported lens with plating layer

d. Imported CMOS sensor with 5 Mega pixels

e. Special DSP image manipulation lens

f. Control light of 8 mm camera to turn on or not.

g. Show the changes of video quickly, clearly and accurately.

h. Able to save, print reports of customers’ information

i. Easy to operate and time-saving. Rated Voltage: DC5V 500MA Color: white Specification (length*width*height mm): Handle:157*52*39 8MMCamera:60*45 Paper Box:220*153*73 Net Weight (g): Handle: 147.60 8MMCamera: 29.00 Paper Box: 103.00 Illustration of Iridology: 204.00 Other Assessory: 74.20 Net weight of machine (g): 557.80

Iris-Analysator iriscope
iriscope analyzer
horoscope analyzer
iris analyzer machine
iris health analyzer


1. Handle(Pause Button)


3. Paper Box

4. Camera protective cover Package Assessory Illustration of Iridology Compare Chart of Twelve Iris Symptoms Warranty card CD(Driver and Software) Take Attention: Driver number:DM004 Illustration of Iridology 8MM

instrument Camera Operating Instruction Driver and Software CD

A. We suggest you use the video software in Windows XP, and the screen resolution should be 1024*768 pixels.

B. Uninstall the other digital camera driver before installing the iris driver.

C. Any incorrect installments that disobey the operation instruction lead the damage of instrument are out of compensate. Warning: : Before using instrument, the user must clean the surface of camera with alcohol; anybody who has eye disease or skin disease takes caution please. Any patient needs it under special situation, please follow doctor’s direction.

what iriscope iris analyzer can do?

the iriscope iris analyzer can take iridology image to your pc iridology softare for analysis.

iriscope iris analyzer software

iridology software 49 iridology software 48 iridology software 47 iridology software 33

iridology camera software


iridology analysis reports

iridology analysis reports

iridology analysis reports

iridology analysis reports



Iridologie-Diagramm Iridologie-Diagramm Iridologie-Diagramme kostenlos herunterladen Eck-Iridologie-Diagramm

HerkunftsortGuangdong, China
Garantie1 Jahr
KundendienstTechnischer Video-Support
TypIridologie-Kamera, Iriskop
BesonderheitPigmentierungsanalyse, Hautfaltenanalyse, Hautfeuchtigkeit erkennen
AnwendungFür den Heimgebrauch
Pixel12 MP
SpracheEnglisch / Spanisch
SystemWindows XP, WIN2000, 2003, Vista, Win7, Win8, Win 10, Win 11, Apple MAC OS
CCD-Sensorauflösung5,0 MP
Vorlaufzeit5–7 Tage (je nach Menge)
Lieferfähigkeit10000 Stück/Stücke pro Monat
Einzelnes Bruttogewicht2.500 kg





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