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نحوه خواندن نمودارهای چشمی ایریدولوژی

August 24, 2019

how to read iridology eye charts how to read iridology eye charts how to read iridology eye charts

ایریدولوژی چیست؟?

The Iris, Sclera and Pupil of the eye show the veil the soul has created, through consciousness (or forgetfulness), that reflects the illusion which prepares the soul for attaining the reality of full enlightenment.
~David J. Pesek, Ph.D., September 1988

Eyes have long been referred to as theWindows of the Soul.But few people are aware of just how true this observation is. Accurate analysis of iris structure and pigmentation provides information about you or your clients that is hard to find through other methods. This information is so valuable that Iridology deserves to become a widely practiced assessment tool in both the physical and psychological health fields. There are a multitude of factors that influence our health and personality, and many of these factors are reflected in the iris. Look closely at your eyes in a mirror, and then at the irises of those around you. You will see many different patterns of iris fibers and colors. Like fingerprints or faces, no two are exactly alike, and neither are we! The iris structure is so unique; it is now being used for security identification at ATM machines and airports. Microsoft’s house of the future will use an eye scanner to identify residents and unlock the door.

Iridology is based on the scientific study of the iristhe colored part of the eye. Like markings on a map, the iris reveals physiological conditions, psychological health risks, challenges and/or strengths of various organs and personality traits.

Through iridology we can get an understanding of your past, present, and potential future health conditions by assessing the various body systems. Your inherited tendencies compounded by toxic accumulations in various parts of your body are also revealed.

The Science of Iridology is based on the analogy of one of the most complicated tissue structures of the whole bodythe iris.

It is a method whereby the doctor or health practitioner can tell, from markings or signs in the iris, the reflex condition of various organs and systems of the body. These markings represent a detailed picture of the integrity of the body; it’s constitutional potentials, areas of congestion or toxic accumulations and inherent challenges and gifts.

نحوه خواندن نمودارهای چشمی ایریدولوژی

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نحوه خواندن نمودار ایریدولوژی: راهنمای قطعی

how to read iridology eye charts how to read iridology eye charts

The four principles that form the cornerstones of iridology are:

The condition of the nerves
The condition of the blood and lymph system
Adequate circulation
Nutritionrest quality, breathingstate of mind

Nature has provided us with an invaluable insight into the vital status of the health of the body by transmitting this information to the eye.

The laboratory testing procedures practiced today, which are not always necessary, are expensive, time-consuming and, often, uncomfortable to the patient. With iridology, we have a simple, painless, economical and non-invasive way of looking into the body. This is not to say that it should exclude other forms of analysis. On the contrary, it may be employed in conjunction with any other system of analysis or a diagnosis that a practitioner wishes to use. Now, more than any other time in history, we are in a need of accurate and less complex means of analyzing a patient’s condition.

Eighty percent of the diseases treated in this country are of a chronic nature. The tissue found in chronically afflicted patients can be monitored better in the iris of the eye than, possibly, by any other method of analysis.

Iridology gives an essential insight to the development of these chronic diseases or the diminishing of that disease or inflammation.

The Science of Iridology is based on the analysis of one of the most complicated tissue structures of the whole body-the iris. Iridology offers a unique perspective to the concept and practice of preventive health care. It involves a non-invasive diagnostic procedure, commonly used by the European practitioners and may be useful in the detection of existing conditions as well as inherited genetic weaknesses. It is known that approximately 300 thousand nerves from various parts of the body make their way to the optic nerve. Therefore, projection of systemic activity may be visible at the iris.

A system of pseudodiagnosis based on the belief that each body region and/or organ is represented by one of six regions on the iris; iridologists claim to diagnose imbalances in the body by studying the shape, colour(s) and qualities of the iris. Anecdotal reports imply that diseases can be identified by changes in the iris including anaemia, cardiac conditions, trauma, liver disease, adrenal dysfunction and renal stress. Interpretation of the changes seen differs according to the iridologist: while all agree that colour changes are significant, for some, whitish discolouration is believed to indicate overstimulation, while for others, these same spots indicate an accumulation of toxins (e.g., uric acid or cholesterol); all agree that clarity of the iris indicates healthiness. Once identified, defects can (in theory) be treated using vitamins, herbs, minerals and other substances.

how to read iridology eye charts how to read iridology eye charts

How To Read Iridology Eye Charts?

Rayid Types & Temperaments:

Jewel-mental type (Choleric) or (Red personality in Color Code)

Dot-like freckles or pigments in the iris indicate a logical thinking, intellectual person. Mental types direct their perceptions and feelings through internal thought & analysis. They tend to control themselves, situations, and other people making it a struggle to connect or relate well to others. Precise verbal communicators, they show little emotion and use few, pointed gestures. Often intense, these deliberate, quietly driven people enjoy setting and obtaining goals. They take in information visually, which is the Jewel’s primary mode of learning. Jewels like to watch, read and observe. They take information in through their eyes, process it, categorize it, name it, think of it, and then explain it verbally. They are usually precise, verbal communicators. In other words, Jewels respond well to visual impression, while being adept at verbal expression. The Jewel temperament is perceptive and inquisitive. Combining well defined views, an attention to detail, and a commanding presence they excel as leaders, managers, business owners, teachers, critics and scientists. Mental types learn visually and enjoy aesthetics and a sharp image/appearance. At times, their self-control and mental capabilities can give them the appearance of being aloof or self-righteous. Jewels seek freedom and resent being controlled in any way. Some Jewels even refuse to wear seat-belts, because they are repelled by the feeling of constriction. They tend to find their freedom in abstract thinking. They abhor systems and organized structure (unless they themselves have created them), and have a tendency to uproot structures. They usually have a great need to be right, to interrupt, and to have the final word. At times, their self-control and mental capabilities can give them the appearance of being aloof or self-righteous. Jewels seek freedom and resent being controlled in any way. They can sometimes be slow and rigid to accept new ideas. They are motivated to achieve and to gain the acknowledgement of others. When balanced, the mental types can contribute great clarity and wisdom to a social or work situation. Learning to flow with situations and to trust other people enables Jewels to better express their feelings and helps them to attain their long-term goals. Their primary love language or expression is task and service oriented. Needing release from their control, they attract emotional types for balance; or until balance is found within.

Flower-emotional type (Melancholy) or (Blue personality in Color Code)

Distinctly rounded openings in the iris similar to flower petals, identify an emotional type person. Feeling oriented, with passion, fire and grace they experience life thru the sensitivities and feelings of the heart. Flexible, spontaneous and changeable, they flow easily and most naturally with social situations. Superior visual communicators, animated and expressive, they generate excitement and enjoy being on display. Living for the moment, their interest and enthusiasm is often short-lived. Flowers like to be organized, but have difficulty sticking with any system for long. Lords of creative abundance using the creative, feeling and imaginative mind, they excel as artists, musicians and engineers. When out of balance, Flowers can easily become upset, emotionally directing anger outward and blaming others for their misfortune. When they blame themselves, the feeling can be so strong that they get depressed. Flowers are often distracted in their minds, though unaware of it. When they focus on being in their body, Flowers can experience great joy. When expressing their true inner nature, Flowers are poised and open. As perfectionist, they need order and sensitivity to experience true fulfillment. Flowers need to learn to trust themselves and their own abilities, to accept responsibility for events, and to take responsibility for the consequences of their words, behaviors and actions. In order to fulfill their desires and to succeed, Flowers must learn to focus their energies. The biggest fear for a Flower is being abandoned or alone. They are also highly sensitive to being controlled. Flowers can have difficulty feeling complete and have a profound sense of aloneness at times. This can lead to displays of emotionally manipulative behavior. Emotional types learn auditorilly, which is also how they communicate. They express and reciprocate love using verbal communication and praise. Flowers need regular periods of rest, in order to overcome their self-induced states of exhaustion and depletion. When Flowers do take time to be still, a kaleidoscope of inner feelings can fill their mind, and they once again bubble forth with a newly discovered wave of enthusiasm. Needing discipline or control, they are attracted to logical-mental types to learn balance; or until otherwise learned and developed on their own.

Stream-kinesthetic type (Phlegmatic) or (White personality in Color Code)

A uniform fiber structure with subtle variations or streaks of color suggests a kinesthetic type personality. These physical/tactile people perceive and integrate life thru the sensory experience of their bodies through touch, and are more sensitive to somatosensory information such as bodily sensations. People with this iris type are physically and intuitively sensitive. Automatically receptive to others and their environment, their body acts as a receptacle for all that happens around them. The slightest change in vibration is immediately felt. Streams are like walking radar, always beingtouchedby things and people around them. Although they have a heightened sensitivity, Streams tend to control subtle physical reactions through stillness. Streams have a way of holding the world together. By nature, they are intuitive, grounded and amiable. Streams learn best when given the opportunity to experience lessons through movement or by doing. With true empathy, they nurture and balance others as true peace makers. Intuitive, yet grounded, they mediate and unify extremist personalities. Excessive sensitivity can lead to feeling helplessly overwhelmed. Communicating and learning by and through touch/movement, they tend to be naturals in athletics, dance, health care, counselors, massage therapists, social work, hands-on therapies, and in public service. Kinesthetic types can also learn through imitation, visually and auditorilly. Their uninhibited transfer of energy fosters mental, physical and spiritual wellbeing in those around them. This kinesthetic-type can provide a sense of belonging, a sense of nurturing, a sense of motherhood. Their presence often evokes the feeling of being gently held or soothed. When a Stream feels that s/he belongs, others around them experience a sense of relaxation. If a person with a Stream structure becomes fearful or reactive, their attentions can become overprotective or stifling, instead of comfortably soothing and containing. Their strong sense of connection with others can produce confusion about their own identity, self-worth or purpose in life. When Streams are balanced, they bring integrity, stability and harmony to relationships and social situations. Streams or Phlegmatic types want to feel respected and worth-while. Needing expansiveness from their routine lifestyles, routine ways of thinking and their comfort-zones, they attract extremists for balance and excitement; until otherwise developed within themselves.

how to read iridology eye charts how to read iridology eye charts

Shaker-extremist type (Sanguine) or (Yellow personality in Color Code)

Dot-like pigments with rounded openings like small flower petals indicate an extremist type nature. With elements of both the Jewel and the Flower in their makeup, they unifying both hemisphere’s of the brain, with right-emotional and left-mental traits, communication modes and personality characteristics. These dynamic, progressive people venture beyond the limits of conventional thoughts and action. Shakers are highly motivated, passionate, dynamic and expressive. These radical, action-oriented people have difficulty sitting still, and frequently venture beyond the limits of conventional thought and norms. They possess a tenacity that drives them to press on against all odds. Pioneering types, typically at the forefront of change and innovation, Shakers challenge life with abandon and zeal, struggling with commitment and stability. These types do not often settle or find contentment naturally; as they put their attentions in multiple places at once. Acting as the conscience of society, they often stand alone, sometimes attracting ridicule from their peers. They are driven to achieve yet ungrounded as they experience cycles of success and failure. Frequently devoted to a cause, and when finding fulfillment, may transform areas of non-commitment with devoted loyalty. When they get overly excited, Shakers easily become scattered. This is when their intense energy can turn back on itself. They can become self-destructive, with a tendency to addiction. Their enthusiasm and desire to change the world can become obsessive, to the point of using blame to motivate others. Shakers rarely take a neutral stance on anything. Shakers learn best physically, while in motion (through the movement of their bodies, or when multi-tasking), or when being touched. They have a strong intuitive sense. Shakers communicate primarily by movement and gesture. Shakers can be the embodiment of ecstasy, joy and thankfulness, bringing feelings of exhilaration and excitement to any project they are involved in. People are initially attracted to Shakers because of their energy and conviction. با این حال, they can be difficult to relate to over time because they are always in motion and frequently change their focus. They dislike confinement and resent any form of systematic control. Shakers have a strong sense of purpose and direction and can be inspiring leaders and motivators, raising one’s consciousness about a cause or bringing a sense of purpose to a project. Their task in society is to expand the limits of humanity’s self-imposed barriers and to pierce through the shield of traditional values. They usually have a strong affinity for nature and the outdoors, where the physical connection with their environment increases their intuitive intake. Adventurous, they are motivated by fun and freedom and excel as inventors, motivators, entrepreneurs and explorers. They need the attention and approval of others to feel loved. Learning through touch/movement, they communicate and express through action. Learning moderation and consistency enables a Shaker to manifest change with stability. Shakers nonetheless place their life goals uppermost on their list of priorities. They want their partners to be supportive of those goals. Their perfectionism and demanding nature can make Shakers quite challenging as long-term partners. Needing equilibrium for balance they are attracted to kinesthetic stream types for this balance; or until gained it’s within themselves. There is much for a Shaker to gain from the stillness and groundedness that a Stream partner can bring to their life.

Stream/Flower Combination (Phlegmatic/Melancholy) or (White/Blue)

A kinesthetic type with some uniform fiber structures with subtle variations or streaks and a few curved openings or wavy fibers that enhance the emotional traits indicate a stream/flower personality. Physically vital, compassionate and responsive, these types circulate with quiet ease bringing comfort or stimulation, intuitively knowing what is needed and that they can offer both. Reaching out with tenderhearted calm, they can touch others deeply just with their presence. Needing to learn detachment will allay confusion or self-doubt in over-empathizing with others.

Shaker/Flower Combination (Sanguine/Melancholy) or (Yellow/Blue)

Characteristics of the Shaker/Flower, they possess curved, flower petal openings and dot-like pigments which represents an emotional, expressive, extremist-radical, passionate, visionary, dynamic and animated person. They motivate with inspiration, creativity and compassion facilitating group-mind dynamics. With the tendencies toward many emotional highs and lows, they need to learn self-discipline and control, proper use of individual power to prevent overly dominating, and focused attention. These dynamic and energetic individuals learn auditorilly and through the use of body experience. They communicate both verbally and visually with synergy and animation. They are detailed, compulsive and methodical in their adaptive abilities. They tend to be closer to male figures (father/brother) and have a greater struggle with female figures (mother/sister) that are close to them. They are especially afraid of abandonment, separation and suffocation. They are playful and enjoy being leaders or center of attention, and social entertainment. They are attracted to Stream/Jewel combinations for relationship balance, and will become most imbalanced when selfish or blaming. When practicing self-control in various areas, they will find their greatest ecstasy.

Shaker/Stream Combination (Sanguine/ Phlegmatic) or (Yellow/White)

With wavy uniform fiber structures with subtle variations indicates a Shaker/Stream combination kinesthetic/extremist personality. This individuals find themselves at the forefront of balance as an opposite type combination. The qualities of the stream enhances the still nature and somatosensory sensitivities. The qualities of the shaker describe an action and movement oriented individual, making a balanced nature. The social characteristics of the shaker and sanguine suggests a synergistic quality that thrives on company and attention of others who is running around spreading joy, while the stream/phlegmatic ensures peace, quiet and time for needed relaxation. They need a sense of discipline where conventional systems are concerned. They may struggle with cravings toward entrepreneurialism, yet desire the stability of a secure job working for others. The stream/phlegmatic wants to maintain a peaceful nature and will compromise principles to avoid a potential problem. They’re underlying needs are gaining the approval of others and being peacemakers. They most fear conflict and not feeling understood and appreciated. When they feel valued and maintain a life of balance, they will reach their greatest levels of bliss and harmony. They are often attracted to Shaker/Streams or Sanguine/Phlegmatic types for relationships, and synchronize best with Stream/Flower or Phlegmatic/Melancholy types to compliment one another’s personalities and remain in balance.

how to read iridology eye charts how to read iridology eye charts

Shaker/Jewel Combination (Sanguine/Choleric) or (Yellow/Red)

An extremist type structure with predominately dot-like pigments and wavy fiber structures with subtle variations accents their mental characteristics. Tenacious, intense, self-reliant, individualistic and strong-willed these synergistic communicators are leaders of progressive thought or directed action. Delegating responsibility and staying grounded while surrendering to their inner guidance aids in their realization of the goals they crave. They are active, productive and achievement oriented and externalizes their thoughts, yet they often hide their true feelings to avoid vulnerability. Without the release of open, honest communication they can become stagnant or restless and untrue to their true identity. They can be impatient, demanding and often overextend themselves. They need to learn introspection to find true peace of mind. They attract Stream/Flowers or Phlegmatic/Melancholy types for mate relationships for balance.


نوع چشم آبی (آلمانی: لنفاوی)

توضیحات-یقه سفید (تاج گل عصب اتونومیک), رنگ آبی یکدست یا خاکستری/آبی بدون تغییر رنگ یا پسورا (رنگدانه ها). مربوط به رنگ اصلی آبی و جنبه معنوی سلامتی است. گرایش شدید به بلغم غربی (آب) قانون اساسی و آب چین, ساختارهای فلزی.

گرایش ها

این است “خالص” چشم آبی که در افراد اروپایی تبار یافت می شود. معمولاً با حالت بلغمی کلاسیک همراه است, به این معنی که فرد مستعد ابتلا به اختلالات لنفاوی و بیماری های آب مروارید است. این احتمالاً تا حدی به دلیل این واقعیت است که مردم اروپایی تبار اغلب مصرف کنندگان سنگین محصولات لبنی هستند. همچنین تصور می شود افراد چشم آبی تمایل بیشتری به تجمع اسید اوریک در بدن خود دارند و به مشکلات کلیوی مبتلا می شوند.. سیستم ها و قسمت هایی از بدن که این افراد باید به آن توجه ویژه ای داشته باشند به شرح زیر است: نواحی غشای مخاطی (دستگاه تنفسی فوقانی, برونشیل ها, پرزهای ریه, دستگاه گوارش و دستگاه ادراری تناسلی), بافت های لنفاوی (لوزه ها, آپاندیس, طحال و غدد لنفاوی) و غشاهای مفاصل.

مشکلات سلامتی که معمولاً در افراد مبتلا به ساختار لنفاوی یافت می شود شامل موارد زیر است: مشکلات سینوسی, گلو درد, ورم لوزه, گوش درد, برونشیت, آسم, غدد لنفاوی متورم, آب مروارید پوست (اگزما و شوره سر), ضعف کلیه, آرتریت و روماتیسم.

نوع چشم مختلط (آلمانی: صفراوی)

توضیحات - تغییر رنگ یا پسورا (لکه های مواد مخدر) بالای پس زمینه آبی (ساختار فیبر از طریق رنگ قابل مشاهده است). مربوط به رنگ اصلی زرد و جنبه ذهنی سلامت است. تمایل شدید به چوب چینی, قوانین اساسی زمین و قانون اساسی هوای غرب.

گرایش ها

چشم مختلط آبی/قهوه ای توسط ایریدولوژیست ها با تمایل به صفراوی یا کبدی مرتبط شده است. (کبد) مشکلات. اعتقاد بر این است که رنگ های بالای چشم آبی نشانه مسمومیت در بدن به دلیل مشکلات گوارشی است.. هنگامی که رنگدانه ها در اطراف مرکز چشم متمرکز می شوند, این به ویژه با اختلالات گوارشی مرتبط است. مشکلات کبد و سایر اندام های گوارشی می تواند منجر به عدم تعادل بیشتر در سیستم غدد و گردش خون شود.. سیستم های بدن و اندام هایی که باید به آنها توجه ویژه ای داشت به شرح زیر است: دستگاه گوارش (معده, پانکراس, کیسه صفرا و به خصوص کبد) و دستگاه روده.

مشکلات رایج سلامتی که متخصصان عنبیه با این نوع ارتباط دارند: هیپوگلیسمی, PMS, سوء هاضمه, سنگ کیسه صفرا, یبوست, گاز, سمیت دستگاه گوارش, خشم و/یا افسردگی, مشکل در به خواب رفتن و به دنبال آن مشکل در بیدار شدن در صبح, حالت تهوع, سفتی و درد, سردرد (مخصوصا میگرن), آلرژی غذایی, آلرژی فصلی و کاندیدا.

how to read iridology eye charts how to read iridology eye charts

رنگ ها

رنگ ها در این نوع چشم معنای قوی دارند:

زرد نی: به کلیه ها مربوط می شود و نشان دهنده عملکرد ضعیف کلیه است.
نارنجی نئون: مربوط به پانکراس است و نشان دهنده تمایل به عدم تعادل قند خون و مشکلات هضم است (متابولیزه کردن) کربوهیدرات ها.
نارنجی کثیف: ممکن است مربوط به لوزالمعده یا کیسه صفرا باشد. تمایل به رنگ نارنجی نئون را نشان می دهد, اما ممکن است مشکلات کیسه صفرا را نیز مطرح کند. به دنبال علائم دیگر مشکلات کیسه صفرا باشید (علائم در ناحیه کیسه صفرا یا رسوبات چربی در سفیدپوستان.)
قهوه ای تیره: مربوط به عملکرد کبد است.
قهوه ای مایل به قرمز: نشان دهنده تجزیه خون و نیاز به کار با تصفیه و ساختن خون است. مشکلات احتمالی کبد, طحال, و مغز استخوان.
نوع چشم قهوه ای (آلمانی: خون زا)

توضیحات-چشم قهوه ای خالص با رنگدانه های پوشش دهنده ساختار فیبر عنبیه. مربوط به رنگ اصلی قرمز و جنبه فیزیکی سلامت است. احتمالاً انواع مشروطه چینی: آتش و خاک. احتمال مربوط به آتش و خاک غربی نیز هست.

گرایش ها

خواندن چشم های قهوه ای خالص برای ایریدولوژیست ها دشوار است زیرا لایه ای از رنگدانه به طور کامل ساختار فیبر چشم را می پوشاند.. با این حال, ایریدولوژیست ها به برخی از خصوصیات کلی افراد چشم قهوه ای اشاره کرده اند. اول, به نظر می رسد که آنها از قبل مستعد عدم تعادل در ترکیب خون و در نتیجه به اختلالات خونی هستند. پیشنهاد شده است که آنها ناتوانی ذاتی احتمالی در ذخیره ذخایر کافی مواد معدنی دارند.. آنها ممکن است به خصوص با متابولیسم کلسیم مشکل داشته باشند. سیستم ها و اندام های خاصی که باید به آنها توجه ویژه ای شود: سیستم گردش خون (قلب, خون, عروق خونی), اندام هایی که خون می سازند (کبد, طحال, مغز استخوان), سیستم گوارش و غدد درون ریز.

مشکلات سلامتی رایجی که افراد با چشم قهوه ای تجربه می کنند عبارتند از: کم خونی, سخت شدن رگ ها, انواع بیماری های خونی, انقباض و سخت شدن بافت لنفاوی, کاهش احتمالی لکوسیت ها در خون, مشکلات گوارشی, کمبود مواد معدنی و شکست زودرس غدد درون ریز.

how to read iridology eye charts




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