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how to read eyes iridology?

October 10, 2017

How To Read Eyes Iridology?

Black Ring Around Iris New Iridology Vibrant Health Wellness

1 Read by us ,send you images to us by email or skype, price is 60usd/time

To take the best photos for your reading, set your camera to MACRO and try, if possible, to use natural, daytime indoor light with a flash. Set the size of the photo for a higher resolution, with a minimum of 2.5M (2208 x 1248). 4.5M (2784 x 1568) is best.

iridology yellow ring around pupil 2
Step 1: Taking Your Iris Photos with a Digital Camera

Set Camera to Macro Setting.
Increase Resolution to 4.5M (2784 x 1568).
Turn on Flash.
Use Indoor Daylight.
Stand sideways from any window (facing the window will cause glare).
Have someone else hold the camera or use a tripod and timer.
Hold the upper and lower eyelids open to make entire iris visible.
Take one photo of each iris at a time.
Keep the eye close to the camera. On Macro Setting, you can be 4-5 inches from the lens.

Step 2: Checking Your Photos for Lighting and Clarity

Check the photo on the Viewfinder of your camera. Use the zoom feature to see the iris.
Be sure the iris is clear; otherwise try again.
Be sure there is no red eye; otherwise turn on ‘red eye reduction’ and try again.
Be sure the entire iris is visible; otherwise try again.
Be sure there is no significant glare on the iris; otherwise turn your body slightly away from any window and try again.

Step 3: Emailing Your Final Iris Photo Results

You may crop the photos so only the eye is visible to reduce the file size.
If this is too much work, then simply email the entire photo.
You can send 3-5 pictures of the Left Eye in one email.
You can send 3-5 pictures of the Right Eye in another email.

Using a Digital Camera: Video Instructions on How to Take Iris Photos

iridology yellow ring around pupil 5

2 Read the iridology by yourself.

Step 1 take the iridology by iridology camera.

Step 2  Through the iridology picture, appears symptoms, colors, location, infer the health of the various organs of the human body.When we look into the eyes, we are looking for alteration in structure, color and markings. These different markings can indicate stresses and weaknesses in the body systems, which can cause imbalances, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. We cannot see disease by looking into the iris, neither can diseases be named by iris analysis; what we can see is physical deterioration via the nervous system. We can recognize toxins and their locations. These toxins create a breeding ground for bacteria, viruses and parasites. Iridology is a preventative tool; it can be used as an early warning system, and eventually as a gauge for healing and signs of health. The goal of an Iridologist is to help people recognize areas that manifest toxic accumulation, and organ deterioration.

    1)Colours have strong meaning in this eye type:

Straw Yellow: Relates to the kidneys and suggests poor kidney function.

Neon Orange: Relates to the pancreas and suggests a tendency to blood sugar imbalances and problems with digesting (metabolising) carbohydrates.

Dirty Orange: May relate to either the pancreas or the gallbladder. Suggests some tendency as neon orange, but may also suggest gall bladder problems. Look for other signs of gall bladder problems (marks in gallbladder zone or fatty deposits in whites.)

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Dark Brown: Related to liver function.

Reddish Brown: Suggests breakdown of the blood and a need to work with blood purification and building. Possible problems with liver, spleen and bone marrow.


Step 3 Get the report

Remarks: You can cooperate with iris software and iris emitter


Iridology chart for you to read the iridology,you can click to get the large irology chart.

international iridology practitioners association chart Iridology Chart

if you want learn about the iridology,We offer you 6 ebook for you,you can download the iridology ebook,it is free.



John Andrews Iridology

Iridology I – Introduction to Iridology, Origins, History, Theoretical and Scientific Basis

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Ebook Iridology-Simplified-Bernard-Jensen

If you don’t know how to read,you can use the iridology tool–iridology softere.

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