MAIKONG-Professional iridology camera iriscope system Manufacturer and supplier

iridology camera for PC

» iridology camera for PC

  • Specifications

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What is 12MP iriscope for sale olx iridology camera?

iridology camera Accessories:
1. Handset X1pc
2. 30X Iris Lens X1pc
3. Leather PU Box X1pc
5. 1.5 Meter USB Line X1pc
6. Lens protective cover X1pc
* Instructions & Warranty X1pc
* CD (Driver and Pro Analysis Software) X1pc

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What is the primary benefit of photo iridology ?

Not only does it bring clues to your iridology analysis, but it helps to create a better connection with your patient. The patient, who’s naturally curious, is eager to see their own iris. With some simple explanations they can get a basic understanding of your analysis. The connection with your patient strengthens and their understanding of their process improves.

* Iris analysis system: international technology, unique functions.
* Iris analysis system is a medicinal tool that checks the body conditions and prevents diseases from occurring.
* We brought in the advanced iris analysis technology from Germany to lead people to discover sources of illness, and care the body health and spirit in anyways.
* The instrument can show the body conditions of customers and suggest customers the suitable health food, and the plans to care their bodies.

Healing With Iridology:

The perfect iris has never been seen and all individuals exhibit some degree of tissue weakness, whether it was acquired and developed from questionable health habits and environment, or from parents genetic makeup.

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Healing comes from the root word meaning whole. So does health and holy!
Healing comes from looking after all areas of our whole self, being mind, body and spirit.

In my opinion, when you get rid of what the body can’t use and give it what it needs, the body will do the rest. The body is a wonderful incredible specimen. Everyday it breathes by itself, the heart pumps by itself, if you cut yourself or break a bone, they heal by themselves. You never have to tell your body what to do automatically. Our responsibility is to provide the elements for the body.And you are the only one who can do that.

iridology camera Specifications
1.High Resolution, Real 2 magepixel pictures
2. Easy operating without driver installation
3. luxury leather package

iridology camera Instruction:
* Nice appearance and innovative design
* LED illuminator around lens
* Imported lens with plated layer
* 8.1 Mega pixels high resolution CCD sensor
* Special DSP image processor, Optical Image Stabilizer
* Single capture button and digital pause capture.
* Adjustable focus to give clear image.
* Auto white balance and contrast adjustment, Color Temperature Filter
* Dual image compare function
* 3D-Negative capture mode
* Compatible with iris lens, hair lens.
* Deliver clear and accurate images.
* Easy to operate.

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Iridology History

Examining a person’s eyes to help determine their health is an ancient practice dating back at least as far as the ancient Greeks.

The first explicit description of iridological principles such as homo-laterality (without using the word iridology) are found in Chiromatica Medica, a famous work published in 1665 and reprinted in 1670 and 1691 by Philippus Meyeus (Philip Meyen von Coburg).The first use of the word Augendiagnostik (“eye diagnosis,” loosely translated as iridology) began with Ignatz von Peczely, a 19th-century Hungarian physician. The most common story is that he got the idea for this diagnostic tool after seeing similar streaks in the eyes of a man he was treating for a broken leg and the eyes of an owl whose leg von Peczely had broken many years before. At the First International Iridological Congress of Iridology, Ignaz von Peczely’s nephew, Dr August von Peczely, dismissed this myth as an apocryphal, and maintained that such claims were irreproducible.German contribution in the Naturheilkunde field is due to a minister Pastor Felke, who developed a form of homeopathy for treating specific illnesses and described new iris signs in the early 1900s.

However, Pastor Felke was subject to long and bitter litigation. The Pastor Felke Institute in Heimshiem, Germany was established as a leading center of iridologic research and training.Iridology became popular in the United States in the 1950s, when Bernard Jensen, an American chiropractor, began giving classes in his own method. This is in direct relationship with P. Johannes Thiel, Eduard Lahn (becoming an American under the name of Edward Lane) and J Haskell Kritzer. Jensen insisted on the body’s exposure to toxins, and the use of natural foods as detoxifiers.Few medical researchers managed to secure funding to study the possible non-visual functions of the eye. In a paper published in Medical Hypotheses, one such group tried to explain the observed patterns of iris transparency that distribute light into the ora serrata (the edge of the optic retina) by postulating a so-called functio ocularis systemica. Based on this hypothesis, the researchers have developed the experimental trans-iridal light therapy method; however, no independent confirmation of the theory and method exists to date. Other results from the mentioned research include early attempts at computerized iris imaging for the purpose of iridologic diagnosis.

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