What Is Maikong Bernard Jensen Iriscope Vintage?
Maikong Bernard Jensen Iriscope Vintage is specialized device used in iridology, study of iris assess health conditions. Inspired by Dr. Bernard Jensen’s pioneere work, this iriscope allows practitioners capture detailed images of iris, aide in health evaluations.
History of Bernard Jensen Iriscope
Dr. Bernard Jensen, prominent figure in iridology, developed one of earliest iriscopes facilitate his research and practice. His innovations have significantly influenced modern iridology equipment, include Maikong Iriscope, which combines vintage design elements with contemporary technology.
![Maikong Bernard Jensen Iriscope Vintage 10 Maikong Bernard Jensen Iriscope Vintage]()
How Does Maikong Iriscope Work?
Our Maikong Iriscope operates by illuminate eye and capture high-resolution images of iris. These images are then analyzed use specialized software identify patterns and colors that may indicate various health conditions.
Who Can Benefit from Use Maikong Iriscope?
Health practitioners, naturopaths, and iridologists can utilize our Maikong Iriscope enhance their diagnostic capabilities. Additionally, individuals interested in alternative health assessments may find value in insights provided by iridology.
Why Choose Maikong Iriscope?
Our Maikong Iriscope offers blend of vintage-inspired design and modern technology, provide high-resolution image and user-friendly software. With over 21 years in health equipment industry, Maikong Co. Ltd ensures quality and reliability in all our products.
Support Computer System
Our Maikong Iriscope is compatible with followe operate systems:
Windows XP
Windows 7
Windows Vista
Windows 8
Windows 10
Windows 11
Apple macOS
Technical Parameters
Parameter Specification
Image Sensor High-resolution CCD sensor
Lens 30X magnification with LED illumination
Software Languages Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, English, German, Spanish, Persian, French, Malay, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese
Support OS Windows XP, 7, Vista, 8, 10, 11; macOS
Reports Analysis covere over 190 human organs
Package Customizable package options available
OEM/ODM Services Available upon request
Our Maikong Iriscope is used for:
Iridology analysis
Health assessments
Educational purposes in alternative medicine
For price details and VIP offers, please contact Maikong Co. Ltd directly.
Bernard Jensen Chart
![Maikong Bernard Jensen Iriscope Vintage 16 bernard jensen iridology chart 4]()
Bernard Jensen Book
![Maikong Bernard Jensen Iriscope Vintage 17 Bernard Jensen book]()
Our Factory and Services
With over 21 years of experience, Maikong Co. Ltd specializes in research, development, and manufacture of health equipment. We offer OEM/ODM services, include customizable package, device appearance, and software logos, tailored client requirements.
Shippe Information
Upon payment receipt, orders are processed within 3-7 days. We ship via express services (UPS/DHL/FEDEX), with delivery typically within 7-9 days.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. What is iridology?
Iridology is study of iris assess health conditions.
2. Can Maikong Iriscope be used on both eyes?
Yes, our device is designed capture images of both eyes for comprehensive analysis.
3. Is traine required use Maikong Iriscope?
Basic traine is recommended for accurate analysis, and we provide user manuals and support.
4. Does software receive updates?
Yes, we provide software updates enhance functionality and accuracy.
5. Can I customize device with my clinic’s logo?
Yes, we offer OEM/ODM services, include software logo customization.
more information or become distributor, please contact Maikong Co. Ltd now.