MAIKONG-Professional iridology camera iriscope Manufacturer and supplier



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  • Can you please tell me what you see in the iridology eyes images? Thank you

    Can you please tell me what you see in the iridology eyes images Where is the other eye? Gall bladder hasn’t been removed, don’t get sinus trouble or headaches however am lethargic. Iridology it not a diagnostic tool a lot try to do so that the danger …we are not allopathic doctor we have to work on the field ( …

  • What can you see in the iridologic picture please?

    What about thyroid see anything there ? Yellow pigment relate to kidney urrosein pigment… First clean the kidney stimulate immunity.. Can you tell I have hashimotos? Whats a good kidney cleanse? In iridology we can not tell desease but we can tell that you have glandular disposition Thats what i meant more or less if anything in my thyroid section …

  • How do they get such good pics of the eye .

    How do they get such good pics of the eye . What pops out at me is the nervous system needs fatty acids, thyroid and adrenal need help and clean up the lymphatic system and colon, plus on would for sure address the acid condition. Constitution Lymphatic , Neurogenic disposition , Hydrogenoide diathesis or exudative diathesis : lymph drainage, poor …

  • Hello, I would like to learn iridolgy, can anybody recommend a good place to start.

    I have been a natural therapist for 14 years, I am certified in reiki, bodytalk, eft and access consciousness. These are all energy modalities. Some places I have looked you need to be an acupuncturist, nutritionist to be able to train in this field. It has been recommended that this will be good for me to learn, and would like …

  • 100% natural unaltered iridology photo taken from I-Phone 6 with Macro Lens. Just thought I’d share with you all

    100% natural unaltered photo taken from I-Phone 6 with Macro Lens. Just thought I’d share with you all   10 or 15 x lens? You got something going here; may update to iphone 6 next year and practice getting good irix pix with it. Immediate share with client as well to discuss what’s showing. Looks like this could be color …

  • 21 Extreme Close Ups of the Human Eye

    Born in 1976, Suren Manvelyan started to photograph when he was sixteen and became a professional photographer in 2006. His photographic interests span from Macro to Portraits, Creative photo projects, Landscape, and much more. Suren’s photos have been published in numerous magazines and newspapers in Armenia and worldwide. His project, entitled Your beautiful eyes, is currently the most viewed project …