MAIKONG-Professional iridology camera iriscope Manufacturer and supplier



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  • Hi guys would love some feedback on my eyes

    I had wondered because I’ve never seen amber eyes in person. They’re quite beautiful. We can discuss this as such for entertainment purposes. Otherwise, please consult with a qualified health practitioner you trust for a diagnosis and recommendations. I am a naturopath student have completed iridology, just wanting different perspectives

  • I’ve had people ask to read their eyes when they’ve done many tests to find out what they needed to focus on.

    I’ve had people ask to read their eyes when they’ve done many tests to find out what they needed to focus on. What have been some of your interesting eye reading? One individual had a very suppressed immune system-green overall color. It was later that they discovered they had Lymes disease. Any hypothesis in links to different commonalities? Following Andrejka …

  • Can someone read my eyes…please..thank you

    Can someone read my eyes…please..thank you any particular diet or drink so I can detox.. Liver cleanse or simililar We can discuss this as such for entertainment purposes. Otherwise, please consult with a qualified health practitioner you trust for a diagnosis and recommendations.We can discuss this as such for entertainment purposes. Otherwise, please consult with a qualified health practitioner you …

  • Could someone plz read my eyes

    Thanks for the add. Im extremely concerned about my right eye particularly. Could someone plz read my eyes. Thanks in advance   I don’t sleep very good due to sharp lowet back/hip pain from injury 2 lumbar herniated discs We can discuss this as such for entertainment purposes. Otherwise, please consult with a qualified health practitioner you trust for a …

  • Here are my eyes. please feel free to comment. thanks

    Here are my eyes. please feel free to comment. thanks   If you need help you can contact me on private message … you can’t get calcium from milk and you need to know your ph before you start taking anything especially calcium because if you take the wrong calcium it can be a big problem for your health, and …

  • I have a question about iridology

    I have a question about iridology and it may be a stupid question, but I’m new to it. Is it possible for a person to improve the color of his iris? I’d really like to have the same color of eyes as Elizabeth Taylor, but don’t know if it can be done without lenses. I do have blue eyes, a …