Maikong Profissional Iridology Camera Iriscope Fabricante e fornecedor

câmera de iridologia

» câmera de iridologia

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What is digital eyepiece camera?

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digital eyepiece camera

Sinta-se à vontade para consultar este site para ver nosso iriscópio digital USB, câmera de iridologia, câmera de íris, sistema USB de eologia e esclerologia. Estojo de transporte Para ver nosso site posterior, clique no botão acima.

A câmera EyeRonec Pebble Pro Iridology foi criada para Naturopata NÃO TÉCNICO e Terapeuta Natural, Iridologista e Herbalista.

O Iriscope Digital da Eyeronec Pebble Pro ocupa apenas um pouco de espaço na mesa e é muito portátil, uma vez que seu Mac ou PC tiver o software instalado tudo o que você precisa fazer é conectar a câmera ao USB.

A câmera Iris da Eyeronec Iridology não precisa de restrição de queixo, sem temido flash, sem problemas de luz ambiente, sem casos pesados ​​para transportar,

The EyeRonec Pebble Prp sells for less then the price of other’s “Somente câmera” preço.

Os mais recentes Iriscameras do modelo EYERONEC têm 8 luzes (para olhos azuis) e 2+ iluminação lateral LEDs para olhos castanhos.

The lights (white dots) are within the pupil zone ! No artifacts (white dots or streaks) in the iris so pictures are better than images taken with”abrir” câmeras do sistema

12mp Usb Digitai Eye Iriscope Iridology Camera Iris Analyzer Pro iridology software
Skin Analyzer, Multi-Function Beauty Equipment,Skin Analyzer
Place of Origin:
Guangdong, China (Mainland)
Brand Name:
Model Number:
English, Spanish, Malaysia
12M Pixel
Iris, Skin, Eye
After sales service:

iridology software 8 iridology software 7 iridology software 6

ow To Take Your Iris Photos by iridology camera

To take the best photos for your reading, set your camera to MACRO and try, if possible, to use natural, daytime indoor light with a flash. Set the size of the photo for a higher resolution, with a minimum of 2.5M (2208 x 1248). 4.5M (2784 x 1568) is best.

Step 1: Taking Your Iris Photos with a Digital Camera

  1. Set Camera to Macro Setting.
  2. Increase Resolution to 4.5M (2784 x 1568).
  3. Turn on Flash.
  4. Use Indoor Daylight.
  5. Stand sideways from any window (facing the window will cause glare).
  6. Have someone else hold the camera or use a tripod and timer.
  7. Hold the upper and lower eyelids open to make entire iris visible.
  8. Take one photo of each iris at a time.
  9. Keep the eye close to the camera. On Macro Setting, you can be 4-5 inches from the lens.

Step 2: Checking Your Photos for Lighting and Clarity

  1. Check the photo on the Viewfinder of your camera. Use the zoom feature to see the iris.
  2. Be sure the iris is clear; otherwise try again.
  3. Be sure there is no red eye; otherwise turn on ‘red eye reduction’ and try again.
  4. Be sure the entire iris is visible; otherwise try again.
  5. Be sure there is no significant glare on the iris; otherwise turn your body slightly away from any window and try again.

Step 3: Emailing Your Final Iris Photo Results

  1. You may crop the photos so only the eye is visible to reduce the file size.
  2. If this is too much work, then simply email the entire photo.
  3. You can send 3-5 pictures of the Left Eye in one email.
  4. You can send 3-5 pictures of the Right Eye in another email.

Using a Digital Camera: Video Instructions on How to Take Iris Photos

Using an iPhone: Video Instructions on How to Take Iris Photos

Examples of Unacceptable Iris Photo Submissions

iridology software 34 iridology software 35 iridology software 36

NO! Both of these example have significant glare, making portions of the iris unreadable

In the first example above, the person was likely facing a window, causing the glare to appear in the iris. The solution: Turn slightly away from the window and try again.

In the second example, it is likely that this photo was taken at night or in a room with no windows and only overhead light. Due to the darker light in the room, the light is refracting off the iris, causing significant glare and making the photo blurry. The solution: Take the photo in indoor daylight with no overhead lighting. Side lighting is usually ok.

câmera de iridologia

O que é a câmera e o preço de Bernard Jensen Iridology?

What is digital eyepiece camera?


A small amount of glare in the pupil (the black dot in the center of the iris) is ok.

NO! Not looking directly at the camera lens creates a distorted image of the iris

In the above 2 examples, the individuals are most likely trying to take the photos themselves so they are inadvertently looking at the camera while trying to take the photo.
The solution: Have someone else hold the camera steady for you or use a tripod with a timer.

NO! In these photos, the top and/or bottom of the iris is covered

When taking your photographs, check to see that the entire color portion of the eye is visible, especially the top and bottom. If you tend to have ‘droopy’ eyes, just gently pull the skin away from the eye using your thumb and forefinger.

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iridology zones dark spot kidney

iridology zones dark spot kidney

Examples of Acceptable Iris Photo Submissions

YES!! Perfect photos – note flash inside pupil and full iris visible

YES!! Although not perfectly clear photos, these 2 examples are still readable

YES!! Very good photos – full iris visible, clear and easy to read for Iridology

YES!! Perfect photos – note flash inside pupil and full iris visible

YES!! Perfect photos – note flash inside pupil and full iris visible

Learn what to expect from your Iridology Analysis at Iridology Explained.

Find answers to any additional questions about Iridology and how it works at Iridology – FAQ’s.

Start Now! Schedule your online appointment at Book Your Iridology Consultation.

Iridology cannot diagnose specific disease.




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