How To Take Your Iris Photos by iridology camera ebay
How To Take Your Iris Photos by iridology camera ebay
To take the best photos for your reading, set your camera to MACRO and try, if possible, to use natural, daytime indoor light with a flash. Set the size of the photo for a higher resolution, with a minimum of 2.5M (2208 x 1248). 4.5M (2784 x 1568) is best.
Step 1: Taking Your Iris Photos with a Digital Camera
Set Camera to Macro Setting.
Increase Resolution to 4.5M (2784 x 1568).
Turn on Flash.
Use Indoor Daylight.
Stand sideways from any window (facing the window will cause glare).
Have someone else hold the camera or use a tripod and timer.
Hold the upper and lower eyelids open to make entire iris visible.
Take one photo of each iris at a time.
Keep the eye close to the camera. On Macro Setting, you can be 4-5 inches from the lens.
Step 2: Checking Your Photos for Lighting and Clarity
Check the photo on the Viewfinder of your camera. Use the zoom feature to see the iris.
Be sure the iris is clear; otherwise try again.
Be sure there is no red eye; otherwise turn on ‘red eye reduction’ and try again.
Be sure the entire iris is visible; otherwise try again.
Be sure there is no significant glare on the iris; otherwise turn your body slightly away from any window and try again.
Step 3: Emailing Your Final Iris Photo Results
You may crop the photos so only the eye is visible to reduce the file size.
If this is too much work, then simply email the entire photo.
You can send 3-5 pictures of the Left Eye in one email.
You can send 3-5 pictures of the Right Eye in another email.
Using a Digital Camera: Video Instructions on How to Take Iris Photos
Using an iPhone: Video Instructions on How to Take Iris Photos
Examples of Unacceptable Iris Photo Submissions
NO! Both of these example have significant glare, making portions of the iris unreadable
In the first example above, the person was likely facing a window, causing the glare to appear in the iris. The solution: Turn slightly away from the window and try again.
In the second example, it is likely that this photo was taken at night or in a room with no windows and only overhead light. Due to the darker light in the room, the light is refracting off the iris, causing significant glare and making the photo blurry. The solution: Take the photo in indoor daylight with no overhead lighting. Side lighting is usually ok.
A small amount of glare in the pupil (the black dot in the center of the iris) is ok.
NO! Not looking directly at the camera lens creates a distorted image of the iris
In the above 2 examples, the individuals are most likely trying to take the photos themselves so they are inadvertently looking at the camera while trying to take the photo.
The solution: Have someone else hold the camera steady for you or use a tripod with a timer.
NO! In these photos, the top and/or bottom of the iris is covered
When taking your photographs, check to see that the entire color portion of the eye is visible, especially the top and bottom. If you tend to have ‘droopy’ eyes, just gently pull the skin away from the eye using your thumb and forefinger.
Examples of Acceptable Iris Photo Submissions
YES!! Perfect photos – note flash inside pupil and full iris visible
YES!! Although not perfectly clear photos, these 2 examples are still readable
YES!! Very good photos – full iris visible, clear and easy to read for Iridology
YES!! Perfect photos – note flash inside pupil and full iris visible
YES!! Perfect photos – note flash inside pupil and full iris visible
Learn what to expect from your Iridology Analysis at Iridology Explained.
Find answers to any additional questions about Iridology and how it works at Iridology – FAQ’s.
Start Now! Schedule your online appointment at Book Your Iridology Consultation.
Iridology cannot diagnose specific disease.

What is Iridology diagnosis?
What is Iridology diagnosis?
Some scientists postulated that emotions originated in the body, but soon discovered that emotions are both cognitive and visceral and originate simultaneously in brain and body. Science has shown that both the gut and the physical brain receive all the same neurotransmitters, neuropeptides and their receptors. The neuropeptides in the brain not only contain their receptors in the corresponding organs, but high concentrations of almost every neuropeptide receptor exists in other anatomical locations called “nodal points”such as the back side of the spinal cord, which is the first synapse within the nervous system where all somatosensory information is processed, and is most dense in the limbic system. The limbic system is comprised of several brain structures associated with memory and emotion and was first observed by neurosurgeon Wilder Penfield (1891-1976). The limbic system is located in the inner part of the brain. The information is carried by axons and dendrites from many nerve cell bodies that are passing or making synaptic contact with each other. The science of Iridology is a good example that demonstrates the evidence of this mind-body communication network via the connection of the autonomic nervous system and the exposed nerve endings of the iris.
Ignacz von Peczely
Hippocrates, the Father of Medicine first described it, and it was rediscovered in 1860 by Ignacz von Peczely, a Hungarian Doctor who devoted his life to its study. Peczely became a great physician of his time. He published several books on Iridology and gained much notoriety, but was limited in his observations of the iris, because of the optical equipment available to him. Now we have sophisticated cameras and microscopes with powerful magnifying capabilities. This helps enormously when identifying individual nerve fibers and tiny iris markings.
As written by the Guild of Naturopathic Iridologists International; a trained Iridologist sees the exposed nerve endings as a ‘map’, revealing information about:
the body’s genetic strengths and weaknesses
levels of inflammation and toxemia
the efficiency of the eliminative systems and organs
In the hands of those who are well versed in the pathology of the pathways of disease, as well as anatomy and physiology, this provides a veritable microchip of information. Iridology can help you understand what ‘optimum health’ means for an individual person. The iris displays a unique insight into our health potential and disease dispositions. Iris patterns and pigmentation reveal the history of our inherited health. Iridology or iris diagnosis as it is often called is a method used in alternative medicine to analyze the health status of one by studying specific colors, patterns, locations, markings and signs in the iris of the eye. In one eye it is called iris; in both eyes it is termed iride (I-rid).

Iridology, is it nonsense?
Iridology, is it nonsense?
Some opponents of iridology have stated that Iridology is “non-sense” but is this really the case?
First of all let’s look at the facts, most of these critics have absolutely no education or formal training in the science of Iridology yet they have a negative opinion.
They cite several poorly designed Iridology studies that have been reported in Western scientific medical journals. These studies based their evaluations on outdated principles and in many cases, employed Iridologists who had insufficient or outdated training.
Iridology, like most sciences, is constantly evolving, as new information and studies become available this does not however mean that Iridology is invalid.
The adverse effects from these negative research studies have been very destructive to the science and practice of Iridology, especially in the United States. Researchers often find these negative studies as the only sources of information on which to base their opinions.
Often times some of the same critics that claim Iridology is “non-sense” are the ones who are still debating whether or not the use of, Herbs, Chiropractic, and Acupuncture are valid forms of health care.
Meanwhile in countries such as Germany, Russia, the United Kingdom and many Asian countries, have a much greater acceptance of Iridology. In fact, the Russian Government has sponsored Iridology research and has found it to be extraordinarily accurate. Many Medical Doctor’s in these countries have been using Iridology in their practice for decades.
Those who have studied the science and given it an open and unprejudiced consideration have discovered an amazingly useful, non-invasive, analytical tool.
It is of the utmost importance that a person uses good judgment when selecting an Iridologist. They must be sure that their Iridologist is properly trained with the most up to date information by an established and reputable institution.
Used correctly, iridology gives the individual, information concerning their overall health level that is not available in any other way. An iridologist’s services are an important element in a total, holistic health care program.

Что такое иридология?
Что такое иридология?
Иридология основана на научном изучении радужной оболочки глаза. — Цветная часть глаза. Как и маркировка на карте, радужная оболочка раскрывает физиологические условия, психологические риски для здоровья, проблемы и/или сильные стороны различных органов и личностных черт.
Благодаря иридологии мы можем получить понимание вашего прошлого, настоящего и потенциального будущего состояния здоровья, оценивая различные системы организма. Ваши унаследованные тенденции, усугубляемые токсическими накоплениями в различных частях вашего тела, также выявляются.
Наука иридология основана на аналогии одной из сложнейших тканевых структур всего организма. – радужная оболочка.
Это метод, с помощью которого врач или врач может сказать, от маркировки или знаков в радужной оболочке, рефлекторного состояния различных органов и систем организма. Эти маркировки представляют подробную картину целостности тела; Это конституционные потенциалы, области заторов или токсических накоплений, а также неотъемлемые проблемы и дары.
Четыре принципа, которые формируют краеугольные камни иридологии:
Состояние нервов
Состояние крови и лимфатической системы
Адекватное кровообращение
Питание – Качество отдыха, дыхание – состояние ума
Nature предоставила нам бесценную информацию о жизненно важном состоянии здоровья организма, передавая эту информацию в глаза.
Процедуры лабораторных испытаний, практикуемые сегодня, которые не всегда необходимы, являются дорогими, трудоемкими и, часто, неловко для пациента. С иридологией у нас есть простой, безболезненный, экономичный и неинвазивный способ заглянуть в организм. Это не значит, что это должно исключить другие формы анализа. Напротив, он может использоваться в сочетании с любой другой системой анализа или диагнозом, который практикующий врач хочет использовать. Теперь, больше, чем в любое другое время в истории, мы нуждаемся в точных и менее сложных средствах анализа состояния пациента.
Восемьдесят процентов заболеваний, обработанных в этой стране, имеют хронический характер. Ткань, обнаруженная у хронически страдающих пациентов, можно лучше контролироваться в радужной оболочке глаз, чем, возможно, любым другим методом анализа.
Иридология дает важное понимание развития этих хронических заболеваний или уменьшения этого заболевания или воспаления.
Наука о иридологии основана на анализе одной из наиболее сложных тканевых структур всего тела-радужной оболочки. Иридология предлагает уникальную перспективу концепции и практике профилактической медицинской помощи. Он включает неинвазивную диагностическую процедуру, обычно используемую европейскими практикующими и может быть полезна при обнаружении существующих состояний, а также унаследованных генетических слабостей. Известно, что приблизительно 300 тысяч нервов из разных частей тела попадают в зрительный нерв. Следовательно, проекция системной активности может быть видна в радужной оболочке.

Iridology Software and iridology camera ebay Supplies
Iridology Software and iridology camera ebay Supplies
Specialists in Iridology, iridology software, digital and optical iriscopes, and iris diagnosis.
Iris Supplies was formed by Samuel R. Kennedy in 1998 and has become the new supplier in Iridology, iridology software, digital and optical iriscopes, and health products around the world.
Since establishing themselves three years ago Iris Supplies have produced a number of quality iridology software products. This has included Iridology99 Scanning, the world’s first iris scanning iridology software, and now the next version, Iridology2000 Scanning (also available in Spanish). Iridology99 Nutri-Base and now Iridology2000 Nutri-Base, is another program that has been developed holding a large database of nutritional, food and herbal health tips.
Iris Supplies is also heavily involved in the development of new products. Behind this has been Samuel R. Kennedy an Iridologist, Naturopath, Acupuncturist and Homeopath, who runs a busy clinic in Mt Martha, Victoria. It’s his everyday experiences in the office with his patients that have helped him to gain a deep understanding of the practitioners needs to design and develop products for practitioners like himself. With the backup of dedicated staff of skilled employees, Iris Supplies has developed, and continues to develop the latest technology in iridology software and hardware.
Iris Supplies have also developed their equipment including in their range, the Stereo Digital iridology camera ebays and the Zoom Digital iridology camera ebays. The first iriscopes produced to take digital imaging through the iridology camera ebay. With this new development Iris Supplies has created the Stereo Tri-iridology camera ebay, the first Tri-iridology camera ebay, featuring both 35mm photography and digital imaging in one unit.
In 1999 Iris Supplies worked with Dr. David J. Pesek, world-renowned Iridologist to produce his own software, Iridology99 Interpretive Software and Reporting System (2000 version now available), and built to his specifications the new Pesek Tri-iridology camera ebay. They also worked with Milo Milosevic to produce his own software, Constitutional Iridology.
Iris Supplies is currently working with other companies, nationally and internationally, developing new products. They are presently a consultant for Expanded Enterprises, the original developers of the Jensen camera system and are working with them in the research and development of new technology in iridology products.
As a company Iris Supplies aim to supply you with high quality products at a competitive price and the latest development in technology. We pride ourselves on customer satisfaction and want to be recognized as a company who shares a good relationship with all our clients by meeting your individual needs and providing the appropriate backup service you deserve.
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