Maikong-Professional Iridology Camera Camera Iriscope Производитель и поставщик

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iridology camera software

What is 12MP iridology camera software?

What is 12MP iridology camera software?


* Хороший внешний вид и инновационный дизайн
* Светодиодный иллюминатор вокруг объектива
* Импортная линза с покрытым слоем
* 12.00 Mega pixels high resolution CCD sensor
* Специальный процессор изображений DSP, стабилизатор оптического изображения
* Кнопка «Один захват» и «Цифровая пауза».
* Регулируемый фокус, чтобы дать четкое изображение.
* Автоматическое баланс белого и регулировка контрастности, фильтр цветовой температуры
* Совместим с объективом из Iris, линза волос.
* Доставьте четкие и точные изображения.
* Легко в эксплуатации.
* OS: Windows XP, WIN2000, 2003, Vista, Win7. Win8,win 10

The Iriscope is easy to operate. It is plugged directly into the computer and doesn’t require an electrical power supply. Light brightness and focus can be adjusted by using the switch on the handle.
The iris scope uses its own software which can save client information and photos as well as product recommendations. Analysis reports can be printed and photos are saved according to the date and time taken.
This machine will help the client know his health condition frankly ,including the problem which you have get in the former ,now and future .and the Iridology will be your health counselor, tell you how to keep away from the illness and sub-health.

Why you choose our iriscope?

1. Software easy to use, help you to command. Advanced auto iris analysis technology to provide the best help for beginners to learn.
2. Iris analysis system: international technology, unique functions.

3. Iris analysis system is a medicinal tool that checks the body conditions and prevents diseases from occurring.

4. We brought in the advanced iris analysis technology from Germany to lead people to discover sources of illness, and care the body health and spirit in anyways.

5. The instrument can show the body conditions of customers and suggest customers the suitable health food, and the plans to care their bodies.
6. iriscope machine can edit your product in the software and show on the you promotion healthy product.

Product Details:

Место происхождения


Название бренда




Номер модели

Maximum resolution



4 LED/2 LED lamps control


12 МП




with pro Analysis software



30X Iris Lens

Aluminum Box

Lens protective cover


User Manual

CD (Driver and Pro Analysis Software)

Software USB KEY

iridology camera software

The Dino-Lite iridology camera software software iridology camera software

The Dino-Lite iridology camera software software iridology camera software

The Dino-Lite iridology camera software software allows you to easily create sharp images of eyes and irises. Because of the strong magnification you can see barely visible details. In Naturopathy, the iridology camera software software is often used for iris diagnosis. Iridologists assess the health status of patients on the basis of colors characteristics in the iris of the eye. According to iridologists they can diagnose conditions such as diabetes, rheumatism or gout by using iris diagnosis and treat the patient accordingly.
Camera made especially for Iris Photography
The contoured hood on the microscope camera ensures that the camera can be close to the eye. Because of the built-in LED lightingtwo white and two yellow LEDs you can easily create good images without the need of an external light source. The yellow LEDs are used to provide better images of dark irises. The practitioner can watch the iris image directly on at the screen of a computer or laptop with Windows or MacOS or with a Windows tablet, which proves the versatility and easy mobility of the iridology camera software software.
Patients direct involvement in the diagnosis
Naturopathic practitioner Frederike Otger from The Hague, The Netherlands, has been using the iridology camera software software for some time:It is a handy and simple microscope camera to make sharp images of eyes and irises. With the adjustable magnification I can focus properly on the eye and discover the smallest irregularities. Both my patients and myself find it very pleasant that the images can be viewed directly on the screen. In this way, the patient is more involved in the diagnosis and can also give better feedback.
For naturopathic practitioners the Iriscope is affordable, compact and very easy to use. Images can be digitally stored in the patient file. Frederike Otger:The combination with a tablet makes the iridology camera software software a wonderful tool to emphasize the modern character of my naturopathic practice.

iridology camera software

The Eye: The Blueprint to a Healthy Body The Eye

The Eye: The Blueprint to a Healthy Body The Eye

According to Iridology the iris of the eye is like a blueprint to the entire body. Iridologists believe that the eye is an intricate blueprint to a person’s inherent strengths and weaknesses. For those readers who are not aware of what Iridology is–it happens to be an alternative medical technique which utilizes the patterns, colors, and other characteristics of the iris to determine information about a patient’s systemic health. Essentially, Iridologists believe that they can match their observations of the eye to an eye chart, which divides the iris into zones. These zones correspond to specific parts of the human body. Iridologists believe that they can utilize these charts to distinguish between healthy systems and organs in the body and those that may potentially be overactive, inflamed, or distressed.

Iridology has a very long history, in the 17th, 18th and 19th centuries, writings and works on Iris markings and their meanings were recorded, mainly by medical practitioners. One of the most renowned and earliest practitioners of Iridology was Dr. Ignatz von Peczely.

According to the YouTube video, Dr. Ignatz von Peczely, a Hungarian Doctor and surgeon from the Vienna Medical College would study irises of patients before and after surgical proceedings and record his finding. In 1818 Dr. Ignatz van Peczely published his research and eye chart in the book ‘Discoveries in the Realms of Nature and Art of Healing’.

Iridology has come a long way since the 18th century, with large strides under the research of people such as Dr. Bernard Jensen. Dr. Jensen travelled all over the United States and 65 other countries observing peoples health choices, nutritional choices, and cultures. He was interested in Longevity. What he ascertained through all of his travels was that 80% of what Iridologists see in the irises tells them about their patients’ genetics. From the start of his practice Dr. Jensen has serviced more than 350,000 patients in his tenure. This includes Actors, Artists, and other famous people. Dr. Bernard Jensen’s protégé Ellen Tart-Jensen, Ph.D., D. Sc. CCIIhas successfully used Iridology on Grammy award winning singer songwriter Jewel.

In the video Jewel was very honest about the fact that she was skeptical at first about Iridology. She thought it sounded like “palm reading”, but then became a major supporter when Iridologist Dr. Ellen Tart-Jensen, from looking at her eyes was able to ascertain a kidney issue that all standard medical doctors wrote off as nothing being wrong. When in actuality Jewel had been suffering from chronic infections in her kidneys. But with working with Ellen Tart Jensen and taking her recommendations on a new nutritional plan, Jewel has been healthier ever since.

iridology camera software

Infinite Iris to Release New E-textbook on IRIS ANALYSIS

Infinite Iris to Release New E-textbook on IRIS ANALYSIS



Techniques in Iris Analysis, by author Ellen Tart-Jensen

World Renowned Iridologist and author of TECHNIQUES IN IRIS ANALYSIS , Ellen Tart-Jensen PH. D., D.Sc. CCII is currently being published by INIFINITE IRIS and hardcopies are available at INFINITE IRIS, is her new Iridology education company that will create a new platform from which Ellen will launch several new products that pertain to the subject of Iridology.

Iridology is an alternative technique which utilizes the patterns, colors, and other characteristics of the iris to determine information about an individual’s systemic health. Essentially, Iridologists believe that they can match their observations of the eye to an eye chart, which divides the iris into zones. Ellen Tart-Jensen has been an Iridologist for nearly 30 years. She was trained by Dr. Bernard Jensen who has serviced more than 350,000 patients and has obtained his research and medical methodology by observing behavior, health, nutrition and cultural difference within 65 different countries.

Ellen Tart-Jensen has worked with famous musicians such as singer song writer “Jewel” and has a busy practice where she utilizes Iridology to help her many clients. Her new book, which will be available in January 2013 in E-TEXTBOOK format at, provides a comprehensive look at Iridology and how a non-invasive technique can potentially help give clarity and insight to health issues of the human body. It also provides information on how certain nutritional changes may alter overall health. This book is excellent for anyone who would like a serious and up to date study on the science of Iridology, taught by a distinguished Iridologist.
A Complete Textbook On Iridology

One of the most up to date Iridology textbooks available in the world today. Clearly written with hundreds of color photographs and illus­trations. This book is positioned to become the new standard in the Science of Iridology.

Beautifully Illustrated with Educational Color Graphs and Charts
Reviews the Remarkable History and Roots of Iridology with Historical Iridology Charts from Around the World
Teaches in Depth Comprehensive Iridologyas is approved by the International Iridology Practitioners Association (IIPA)
Definition of Iridology and What It Can and Cannot Do
Iris Zones
The Anatomy and Physiology of the Human Eye
Iris Fiber Structure, Density, and Resilience
Iris Color and Pigmentation
The Latest Research on Ways the Eyes Change
The Many and Varied Iris Constitutions Based on Color & Struc­ture with Informative Nutritional Recommendations for Each
A Complete Review of the Collarette and What It Indicates About Vitality Levels and Digestive Ability
The Various Pupil Shapes and What They Indicate About the Health of the Spine and Bodily Organs
Iris Signs, Lacuna Types, Transversal Signs, and Iris Syndromes With Specific Arrows to Signs Within Iris Photographs
Sclera Signs with Arrows and Explanations
Diseases, Injuries, and Deformities of the Eye
Detailed Iris Analysis and Instructions On How to Perform an Iris Analysis

iridology camera software

Место происхожденияГуандун, Китай
Гарантия1 год
Послепродажное обслуживаниеВидео Техническая поддержка
Типиридологическая камера, ирископ
ОсобенностьАнализ пигментации, анализ морщин на коже, определение влажности кожи
ПриложениеДля домашнего использования
Название брендаМАЙКО
Номер моделиМК-9822У
Пиксели12 МП
СистемаWindows XP, WIN2000, 2003, Vista, Win7, Win8, Win 10, Win 11, Apple MAC OS
Разрешение ПЗС-сенсора5,0 МП
Детали упаковкиЭкспортная коробка
Время выполнения5-7 дней (в зависимости от количества)
Возможность поставки10000 шт./шт. в месяц
Размер одной упаковки33X28X12 см
Одиночный вес брутто2.500 кг

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