What is iridology?

Iridology is the art and science of assessing the irises (irides) of the eyes By observing colour and structure of the fibres of the iris the iridologist can determine the integrity of tissue throughout the body. Not unlike the mapping of the anatomy of all the body parts, researches have mapped the reflex points that show in the irises of the eyes. Iridology was reportedly used some 3000 years ago but the use of magnifiers, microscopes and now digital cameras has helped significantly to further the science of iridology. Worth noting are the pioneers of iridology like Dr Ignatz van Peczely and Nils Lijequist and in modern time Bernard Jensen and Dorothy Hall..
iridology chart

Iridology Book

where to study iridology?
if you want study,you can contac us,our company is in hongkong.
Iridology software