MAIKONG-Professional iridology camera iriscope Manufacturer and supplier


how iridology work

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does iridology work for fake?

does iridology work for fake?

Does iridology work for fake? What is iridology? According to a theory, the iris is a display area of all the nerve fibers terminating in the brain. Hence, the iris is able to sashay any sort of change that takes place in the body, and this is detectable due to the discoloration of the iris. When the iris is examined …

what is iridology and how does it work

what is iridology and how does it work

what is iridology? Like reflexology, iridology is based on the principle that the iris, the colored part of the eye, reflects a microcosm of the body. There are no two irises exactly alike; every iris is as unique as a fingerprint. Reading the color and pattern of the iris fibers gives insights into underlying inherent weaknesses passed down through three …