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The Complete Guide to iridology color chart

July 26, 2018

iridology color chart

Why Consult an Iridologist?

Why Consult an Iridologist?

A Chinese proverb says: ‘A poor doctor cures; a good doctor prevents’. Even worse is a doctor who only focuses on symptoms; such as much of our health-care system today. Iridology takes this to heart. All medicine longs to prevent a disease or disorder from occurring, any type of doctor would agree that it is easier, and more cost effective to nip disease in the bud.

Iridology is ideally suited toward prevention in the true sense. We all have genetic weaknesses of some type or another, if we were perfect we would be super-beings, not human. The skilled Iridologist pinpoints inherently weakened organs or glands that may not yet be noticeably producing symptoms or even discomfort. By studying the iris markers the Iridologist can then offer suggestions on how to avoid a disease or dysfunction occurring. By identifying the external stimuli that trigger the weakness to manifest, symptoms of disease may be avoided, or at worst, delayed. This can be clarified by iridology’s simple formula:

Genetic Weakness + External Stimuli = Symptom (GW+ES=S)

By carefully observing dietary intake, lifestyle, habits and environment, the Iridologist can identify irritants to an individual’s health. Living within the personal limitations of genetic inheritance may be the best way of achieving longevity. Human beings are immensely diverse and adaptable to their environment. If we recognize and identify any weaknesses that we may have, we are better able to avoid an external stimulus that would cause disease by preventing it from progressing.

For example, a person may smoke twenty cigarettes a day and live to a ripe old age – providing he does not have a genetic weakness that involves smoking, however this condition will worsen with each generation if not corrected. Conversely, a person may never smoke, yet develop lung cancer if he has a genetic lung marker. (Disclaimer: This is not an encouragement to smoke if you do not possess a genetic lung marker or condition.)

iridology color chart

The Simplified Guide to Iridology – Ebook

The Simplified Guide to Iridology – EBook

Discover What Your Eyes Are Telling You About Your Health!
Eyes Aren’t Just Good for Looking Out, They Can Also Be Used to See Inside & Get a Better Picture of Our Health!

It turns out your eyes aren’t just great for seeing the outside world, they also reveal what is happening inside you.

It’s true, everything from your eye color to your iris patterns to the shape of your pupil may actually be revealing your genetic inheritance.

With Iridology you can use iris charts to identify inherent strengths and deficiencies within the body.

While Iridology has been around for many, many years; finding good, quality information about it can be difficult.

To remedy this situation and to help keep those who could benefit from this science from missing out, we’ve created a new e-book entitled, The Simplified Guide to Iridology.

Written by Ellen Tart-Jensen, Ph.D., D.Sc. C.C.I.I., this book is an up-to-date introduction into this fascinating subject.
About the Author

Ellen studied the science of Iridology for several years with the legendary natural healer, Dr. Bernard Jensen, at the Hidden Valley Health Ranch in California. Dr. Bernard Jensen is known worldwide as the “Father of American Iridology.”

Ellen became Dr. Jensen’s protégé, learning all that he had to teach in the fields of Iridology and Nutrition and is the only person who has written permission from Dr. Bernard Jensen to place his seal on iridology certificates.

Ellen has studied and worked in the field of iridology and natural healing for nearly 30 years. She is now an internationally recognized authority on iridology and holistic health.

Discover What Your Eyes Are Telling You About Your Health!
Eyes Aren’t Just Good for Looking Out, They Can Also Be Used to See Inside & Get a Better Picture of Our Health!

It turns out your eyes aren’t just great for seeing the outside world, they also reveal what is happening inside you.

It’s true, everything from your eye color to your iris patterns to the shape of your pupil may actually be revealing your genetic inheritance.

With Iridology you can use iris charts to identify inherent strengths and deficiencies within the body.

While Iridology has been around for many, many years; finding good, quality information about it can be difficult.

To remedy this situation and to help keep those who could benefit from this science from missing out, we’ve created a new e-book entitled, The Simplified Guide to Iridology.

Written by Ellen Tart-Jensen, Ph.D., D.Sc. C.C.I.I., this book is an up-to-date introduction into this fascinating subject.
About the Author

Ellen studied the science of Iridology for several years with the legendary natural healer, Dr. Bernard Jensen, at the Hidden Valley Health Ranch in California. Dr. Bernard Jensen is known worldwide as the “Father of American Iridology.”

Ellen became Dr. Jensen’s protégé, learning all that he had to teach in the fields of Iridology and Nutrition and is the only person who has written permission from Dr. Bernard Jensen to place his seal on iridology certificates.

Ellen has studied and worked in the field of iridology and natural healing for nearly 30 years. She is now an internationally recognized authority on iridology and holistic health.

Discover What Your Eyes Are Telling You About Your Health!
Eyes Aren’t Just Good for Looking Out, They Can Also Be Used to See Inside & Get a Better Picture of Our Health!

It turns out your eyes aren’t just great for seeing the outside world, they also reveal what is happening inside you.

It’s true, everything from your eye color to your iris patterns to the shape of your pupil may actually be revealing your genetic inheritance.

With Iridology you can use iris charts to identify inherent strengths and deficiencies within the body.

While Iridology has been around for many, many years; finding good, quality information about it can be difficult.

To remedy this situation and to help keep those who could benefit from this science from missing out, we’ve created a new e-book entitled, The Simplified Guide to Iridology.

Written by Ellen Tart-Jensen, Ph.D., D.Sc. C.C.I.I., this book is an up-to-date introduction into this fascinating subject.
About the Author

Ellen studied the science of Iridology for several years with the legendary natural healer, Dr. Bernard Jensen, at the Hidden Valley Health Ranch in California. Dr. Bernard Jensen is known worldwide as the “Father of American Iridology.”

Ellen became Dr. Jensen’s protégé, learning all that he had to teach in the fields of Iridology and Nutrition and is the only person who has written permission from Dr. Bernard Jensen to place his seal on iridology certificates.

Ellen has studied and worked in the field of iridology and natural healing for nearly 30 years. She is now an internationally recognized authority on iridology and holistic health.

Discover What Your Eyes Are Telling You About Your Health!
Eyes Aren’t Just Good for Looking Out, They Can Also Be Used to See Inside & Get a Better Picture of Our Health!

It turns out your eyes aren’t just great for seeing the outside world, they also reveal what is happening inside you.

It’s true, everything from your eye color to your iris patterns to the shape of your pupil may actually be revealing your genetic inheritance.

With Iridology you can use iris charts to identify inherent strengths and deficiencies within the body.

While Iridology has been around for many, many years; finding good, quality information about it can be difficult.

To remedy this situation and to help keep those who could benefit from this science from missing out, we’ve created a new e-book entitled, The Simplified Guide to Iridology.

Written by Ellen Tart-Jensen, Ph.D., D.Sc. C.C.I.I., this book is an up-to-date introduction into this fascinating subject.
About the Author

Ellen studied the science of Iridology for several years with the legendary natural healer, Dr. Bernard Jensen, at the Hidden Valley Health Ranch in California. Dr. Bernard Jensen is known worldwide as the “Father of American Iridology.”

Ellen became Dr. Jensen’s protégé, learning all that he had to teach in the fields of Iridology and Nutrition and is the only person who has written permission from Dr. Bernard Jensen to place his seal on iridology certificates.

Ellen has studied and worked in the field of iridology and natural healing for nearly 30 years. She is now an internationally recognized authority on iridology and holistic health.

iridology color chart

Why we need iridology?

Why we need iridology?

Iridology is a non-invasive alternative therapy that examines the colored part of the eye, the iris, as a tool to gauge physical health. A trained iridologist can determine the health of an individual by analyzing parts of the iris and matching observations to a chart that outlines the various segments of the iris and its characteristics. Iridology is based on the premise that the iris is an extension of the brain itself and each organ is connected to the iris through the nervous system. Iridology is not without controversy as skeptics point out contradicting evidence, but a session with an iridologist may prove useful in alerting you to health issues apparent in the map of your eyes.

iridology color chart

bernardjensen Services

bernardjensen Services

Nutritional Consultation
Iris Analysis
Iris Photography
Educational Programs
Referral Programs
Cleansing FAQ
Skin Brushing

Bernard Jensen International offers highly recognized and sought after health and well being services. Some of the most popular services include private nutritional consultations with Dr. Ellen Tart-Jensen. This is where you have an opportunity to privately discuss any health conditions and well being improvement goals you have. During your nutritional consultation Dr. Tart-Jensen can personalize a program to help you meet your health and wellness goals.

You will also find specialized services in Iris analysis and Iris photography. Learn how and where you can get access to these specialty services below.

One of the most important service offerings are Bernard Jensen International educational programs. Multiple seminars in nutrition, iridology, iris analysis and cleansing are provided throughout the year. You will also find Dr. Ellen Tart-Jensen frequently speaking and educating at various conferences throughout the world. Check our events calendar to see what upcoming educational opportunities are available.

Click on the links above to access the popular services to support you in your healing journey.

iridology color chart

Who can use Iridology?

Who can use Iridology?

Acupuncturists to help them know the areas of the body that would benefit from acupressure or acupuncture;
Colon hydrotherapists to help them know the genetic predisposition of the bowel;
Medical doctors and nurses to help them know the overall genetic strengths and deficiencies in the body;
Parents to help them know how to guide their families in the best nutritional plan for each member.
Chiropractors to help them to better know the parts of the spine that need adjustment;
Massage therapists to help them know the parts of the body that need therapeutic massage;
Naturopaths to help them know the parts of the body that need natural remedies;
Nutritionists to help them know the parts of the body that need specific types of nutrients;
Homeopaths to help them know the areas of the body that may need a remedy.

iridology color chart


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