MAIKONG-Professional iridology camera iriscope Manufacturer and supplier


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3 Tactics of iridology camera software That Are Supposed to Work – But Don’t

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iridology camera software

What is iridology?

What is iridology?

Iridology is based on the scientific study of the iris — the colored part of the eye. Like markings on a map, the iris reveals physiological conditions, psychological health risks, challenges and/or strengths of various organs and personality traits.

Through iridology we can get an understanding of your past, present, and potential future health conditions by assessing the various body systems. Your inherited tendencies compounded by toxic accumulations in various parts of your body are also revealed.

The Science of Iridology is based on the analogy of one of the most complicated tissue structures of the whole body – the iris.

It is a method whereby the doctor or health practitioner can tell, from markings or signs in the iris, the reflex condition of various organs and systems of the body. These markings represent a detailed picture of the integrity of the body; it’s constitutional potentials, areas of congestion or toxic accumulations and inherent challenges and gifts.

The four principles that form the cornerstones of iridology are:

The condition of the nerves
The condition of the blood and lymph system
Adequate circulation
Nutrition – rest quality, breathing – state of mind

Nature has provided us with an invaluable insight into the vital status of the health of the body by transmitting this information to the eye.

The laboratory testing procedures practiced today, which are not always necessary, are expensive, time-consuming and, often, uncomfortable to the patient. With iridology, we have a simple, painless, economical and non-invasive way of looking into the body. This is not to say that it should exclude other forms of analysis. On the contrary, it may be employed in conjunction with any other system of analysis or a diagnosis that a practitioner wishes to use. Now, more than any other time in history, we are in a need of accurate and less complex means of analyzing a patient’s condition.

Eighty percent of the diseases treated in this country are of a chronic nature. The tissue found in chronically afflicted patients can be monitored better in the iris of the eye than, possibly, by any other method of analysis.

Iridology gives an essential insight to the development of these chronic diseases or the diminishing of that disease or inflammation.

The Science of Iridology is based on the analysis of one of the most complicated tissue structures of the whole body-the iris. Iridology offers a unique perspective to the concept and practice of preventive health care. It involves a non-invasive diagnostic procedure, commonly used by the European practitioners and may be useful in the detection of existing conditions as well as inherited genetic weaknesses. It is known that approximately 300 thousand nerves from various parts of the body make their way to the optic nerve. Therefore, projection of systemic activity may be visible at the iris.

iridology camera software

What iridology camera software de 1.3 Megapíxeles (Modelo IR-9918U)?

What iridology camera software de 1.3 Megapíxeles (Modelo IR-9918U)?

iridology camera software Básico que captura imágenes de 1.3 Megapíxeles
Captura imágenes de la piel y del cabello con el uso de lentes adicionales*
Se conecta directamente al computador. Compatible con XP, Vista, Win 7,8 y 10
Enfoque de imagen automático ***presionando el botón (no rueda giratoria)
Manual en Español, Videos Tutoriales y Garantía de 24 meses!
Incluye Gratis programa de Análisis Iridológico Semi-Automático (D.A.S)!

iridology camera software

The Study of the Eyes: What is Iridology?

The Study of the Eyes: What is Iridology?

Iridology also commonly referred to as Iridology analysis, also mistakenly referred to as, Iris diagnosis, or Iridology diagnosis, is the study of the iris of the human eye.

A more formal description as stated by World renowned American Iridologist, Ellen Tart-Jensen is, “Iridology is the study of the color, pigmentations, and structure of the iris or colored portion of the eye as they relate genetically through reflex response to the strengths and deficiencies of the body.

In addition, many iridologists observe the border of the pupil as well as the vascular markings in the sclera to help them better understand more about the overall health of the person.

Each iris is completely unique. It provides the genetic blueprint to a person’s body. People can often acquire inherited physical weaknesses that may have affected previous family members. These may be detected through iridology. Through iris analysis, the iridologist may be able to determine a person’s overall state of health. Iridology can reveal many things, perhaps most importantly, the possibility of inflammation and irritation in the various bodily parts. In this sense, iridology is a useful analytical tool.
Most modern Iridologist, use an iridology camera to take photographs of their clients, left and right iris. Once they have obtained quality high resolution still images of the iris, they then use an iridology map or iridology chart to begin their iridology analysis. The iridologist may also use iridology software to assist in the iridology analysis.

Iridology complements all the health sciences as it provides information, not only about what may be ailing you, but also about the root cause of the disorder.

Iridology is a safe, non-invasive analytical tool, which can be integrated with both orthodox and complementary medicine.
Iridology helps people learn about their genetic strengths and weaknesses and become more aware of what they can do to help themselves.

Iridologist, believe that iridology is one of the best assessment tools available to discover which areas of the body are genetically strong and which are deficient. Iridology can analyze the overall health according to specific iris colors and markings.

iridology camera software

iridology camera software

iridology camera software

The 10x iridology magnifier is our signature tried and tested model. Our 10x torches are used by iridologists and colleges world-wide. This is due to to the fact that with our 10x iris magnifiers you don’t have to stand near your patient to see a clear image of the iris or sclera.Iris Torch 10x LED magnifier with 37mm OPTICAL GLASS lens (not plastic) Daylight LED should last for 13 years without replacement, Powered by 3 AAA batteries (not included)

The 10x iridology magnifier is our signature tried and tested model. Our 10x torches are used by iridologists and colleges world-wide.
This is due to that with our 10x iris magnifiers you don’t have to stand near your patient to see a clear image of the iris or sclera. Not even mentioning that they are small portable and easy to use! Our 10x torches are used by iridologists and colleges world-wide.

Technical Specs
Perfect for observing the iris & sclera
No need to stand close to the client
10x Magnification
Lens: 38mm in diameter optical glass
Dual Daylight LED’s for clearer viewing
Dimentions: 132mm(L) x 45mm(W) x 26mm(H)
Powered by 3 x AAA batteries (not included)
Unit weighs 50 grams

Important notice: The cheaper al ternative 5X magnifiers will show the whole eye, however it is very hard to see the iris markings. With our Iridology torch, you know it’s 10x magnification, Sometimes other iridology suppliers don’t list the magnification.

iridology camera software

What is Iridology?

What is Iridology?

Iridology is the study of the color, pigmentations, and structure of the iris or colored portion of the eye as they relate genetically through reflex response to the strengths and deficiencies of the body systems.

Iridology complements all the health sciences as it furnishes information, not only about what may be ailing the client, but also about the root cause of the disorder.

In addition, many Iridologists observe the border of the pupil as well as the vascular markings in the sclera to help them better understand more about the overall health of the person.

We believe that Iridology is one of the best assessment tools available to discover which areas of the body are genetically strong and which are deficient. Using Iridology we can analyze the overall constitution according to specific iris colors and markings.

iridology camera software

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