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What is Iridology?
What is Iridology?
Iridology (pronounced eye-ri-dology) is the art and science of analyzing the color and structure of the iris to determine tissue integrity throughout the body, thereby gaining valuable health information regarding strengths and weaknesses. Iridologists study the iris, particularly the color, markings, changes and other aspects, as they are associated with tissue degeneration. Iridology is one form of analysis that is non-invasive to the body…requiring to cutting, x-raying or use of any other invasive technique to complete the analysis.
![The Secret [To/Of] iridology camera ebay iridology camera ebay]()
2018 newest protable USB 12.0 MP CCD iridology camera ebay
2018 newest protable USB 12.0 MP CCD iridology camera ebay
Type:iridology camera ebay, ProtableCertification:CEPlace of Origin:Guangdong, China (Mainland)Brand Name:QianheModel Number:QH-990UName:iridology camera ebayPixels:12.0 Mega pixelsColor:White and redOerate:EasyMax resolution:2560×1920OS:WIN2000, 2003, Vista, Win7,8 ,10 package Box:AluminumPackage Size:31.0 * 33.0 * 312.0cm
Gross Weight:2.0kg
2018 newest protable USB iridology camera ebay 12.0 MP CCD
Introduction of 12.0 MP iridology camera ebay
Iris analysis system: international technology, unique functions.
* Iris analysis system is a medicinal tool that checks the body conditions and
prevents diseases from occurring.
* We brought in the advanced iris analysis technology from Germany to lead
people to discover sources of illness, and care the body health and spirit in anyways.
* The instrument can show the body conditions of customers and suggest
customers the suitable health food, and the plans to care their bodies.
1Advanced auto iris analysis technology to provide the best help for beginners to learn.
2)Software easy to use, help you to command.
3)Recommend to use of 1024X768 resolution, it will be the best.
4)Recommend to use WIN2000, 2003, Vista, Win7,8 ,10 system.
Feature of 12.0 MP CCD iridology camera ebay
* Nice appearance and innovative design * LED illuminator around lens * Imported lens with plated layer * 12.0 Mega pixels high resolution CCD sensor * Special DSP image processor, Optical Image Stabilizer * Single capture button and digital pause capture. * Adjustable focus to give clear image. * Auto white balance and contrast adjustment, Color Temperature Filter * Dual image compare function * 3D-Negative capture mode * Compatible with iris lens, hair lens. * Deliver clear and accurate images. * Easy to operate. * Maximum resolution: 2560×1920
* OS: , WIN2000, 2003, Vista, Win7,8 ,10
Accessories of 12.0 MP iridology camera ebay
30X Iris Lens
Aluminum Box
1.5 Meter USB Line
Lens protective cover
Instructions & Warranty
CD (Driver and Pro Analysis Software)
Want more information about the iridology camera ebay, pls contact us:
![The Secret [To/Of] iridology camera ebay iridology camera ebay]()
How to use the iridology camera ebay software?
How to use the iridology camera ebay software?
1 install the software.
2 connection orange usb key weith your pc.
3 Open desktop the “CadiCV Advance Analysis System English Version”
1)use select “user”,password:111111,and click: “login”
2)click “client tool”, enter your customer info. if ok,click “add”,and clieck”close”
3)click “capture right eye”.–click “capture”,
4)left eye repetition Last Step.
5)select the eye pic (right eye pic / left eye pic)
6)click “analysis”
7)click “set parameter” button.
8)click “iris analysis” button.
Observation of symptoms and the iris color of choice in the software above the corresponding button on the symptoms and night.
For example: have crack on the iris pic and color is light.
Select button “crack” and button “light ” , move The cursor to the cracks on the iris,
Click with the mouse. Immediately reported by the analysis.
You and add your recommend or product for the customer.
add ——? Analysis——–?left (Analysis left eye)
10 save
11 report—select the report name —–?html report or report privew select the reports name(date name)
12 print
13 delete customer
14 edit customer
![The Secret [To/Of] iridology camera ebay iridology camera ebay]()
Conclusion for iridology
Conclusion for iridology:
Iridology is an excellent example of pseudoscience in medicine, displaying many of the core features. It was invented by one individual based upon a single observation and emerging from a culture of quackery and pseudoscience. It follows a pre-scientific notion of biology – the homunculus model. It lacks any basis in anatomy, physiology, or any other basic science. Its practitioners are mostly “alternative” practitioners who use the technique as a cold reading. And the research clearly shows that iridology has absolutely no effect – it does not provide any useful information at all.
Anyone using or promoting iridology is, therefore, a pseudoscientific practitioner. Any profession that endorses iridology is not science-based and should be looked upon with suspicion.
![The Secret [To/Of] iridology camera ebay iridology camera ebay]()